Discussion: NY Police Investigating Assault Claim Against Ex-Gov. Spitzer

Discussion for article #246033

Mail-order bride?

Edit: I really want to know more about the Russian connection. Makes me think about old James Bond movies, or perhaps Tinker, Tailorā€¦ Or maybe Billion Dollar Brain.


The Spitzer case is probably the bast example of Democratic ineptitude and weakness of the last 50 years. He was a strong Gov. former prosecutor and he hated the big banks. He wanted them prosecuted. He wanted to do it. So low and beholdā€¦a prostitute thing shows up. Unlike Vitter, Spitzer had to go and the fucking wimpy Democrats caved, went for it and let the banks walk. It was the wrong place for a double standard but I never put any option to cave and wimp past a Democrat.

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Uh, oh. Tiger didnā€™t change his stripes, I guess.

If I remember correctly, Elliot used a credit card for shagging services back when. One of the reasons he was caught. Youā€™re right, the banks got lucky as Spitzer had the goods on many banking executives.

Probably for the 5% cash back from Chase. Isnā€™t that the ā€œJan-Marā€ special category - hookers?


He has such a good mind and he could be such an asset to the Democrats if these things didnā€™t keep coming up. Damn.

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Fixed it for yaā€™.

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So did Elliot strike out at the young lady because he thought he paid for services beyond her departure time to Moscow?

ā€¦ or the front page of one of our finer journals specializing in ā€œinvestigatingā€ the salacious and the weird, such as the Enquirer, the Post, or CNN.

So did Elliot strike out at the young lady because he thought he paid for services beyond her departure time to Moscow?

Maybe she wanted to take it slow and felt that he was Russian her.



If the allegations are true you can imagine the headlines ā€œSpitzer hits herā€
ā€œLove gov wrong rubā€

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Stay tuned for the continuing misadventures of ā€˜Client 9ā€™ā€¦

As lucky as there suddenly being an extremely flirtatious intern in the White House just happened to be connected to the anti-Clinton crowd through someone she knew. Yup, what a coincidence.


Guilty until proven innocent. Damn Democrat.

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