There’s something to be said about that. The fool has been in violation of just about every rule they have, yet his account has never been shut down and he’s never been cut off. They insist they’re being even-handed about this, but they really aren’t. However, as I said above, they are a privately held business. They’re getting one hell of a lot of revenue off this fool. It’s why they’ll treat him differently from everyone else in the Twitterverse.
Discussion: Nunes Sues Twitter, Trolls For $250 Million For Allegedly 'Shadow-Banning Conservatives'
How about “tRump’s Tiny Tool?”
It works in multiple ways.
Nunes can discover what is in those terms and conditions we all accept without reading.
He seems especially unfamiliar with the terms and conditions that start with:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I’m sure the owners of Gab will be following this with interest.
Nunes sues on the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin “signed legislation enabling Russian authorities to block websites and hand out punishment for ‘fake news’ and material deemed insulting to the state or the public.”
Coincidence or not?
Well that’s a damn good question, now, isn’t it?
Devin knows how to pick the best lawyers.
Devin Nunes attorney in his $250 million lawsuit against Twitter and the Devin Nunes’ Mom parody Twitter account, Steven Biss, had his law license suspended for all of 2009 for violating securities law and general incompetence
Remember when Republicans were all for tort reform and the excess in trivial lawsuits clogging up the courts? Yeah, me neither.
I hope this suit gets tossed on its ridiculousness in some preliminary hearing on the merits. No one should have to pay a dime to defend this nonsense…not even fucking Twitter.
Professional lawyer pro-tip, kids! If you want to easily identify a really serious totally meritorious lawsuit brought in good faith and not for any improper purpose, look for a nine digit round number on the first page that’s been bold-faced in a larger font. That’s what all the really good lawyers with really super-meritorious cases do.
It’s a bit redundant.
Poor widdle Devin! Do it hurt much, Devin?
I thought he was representing himself until I saw Biss was his attorney. Devin found a greater fool. Hope Biss got cash upfront because this filing will be laughed out of court.
Just the person you’d expect Nunes to hire!
It would certainly have more class than Trump.
I didn’t think Nunes could be any more of a laughingstock piñata. He certainly exceeded my expectations.
Hey, I told you guys a bold-faced and embiggened nine-digit figure that is so round and ridiculously large it cannot have any possible relation to actual damages on the first page was the mark of an awesome lawyer with mad lawyerizing skillz.
Yup.I just got back here from twitter where there is a lot of stuff regarding the misadventures of his lawyer. Obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. On top of that it looks like the suit was filed in VA where there is an aggressive frivolous lawsuit law (SLAPP). But wait there is more. He is saying that these accounts are costing him money which would open his finances up to discovery. He does not seem to be on top of anything related to this lawsuit. This is looking like a really bad idea.
I see this is the new GOP VICTIM ‘thing’. Elected officials who are supposed to be protecting your rights as outlined in the Constitution, who told us ‘Corporations are people and have the same rights as the little people’, who are bought and paid for by the SAME corporations are now SUING the corporations that don’t line their pockets, going after people exercising the Freedom of Speech, clogging up the courts with useless frivolous lawsuits and whining about how hurt they are…wow.
“I am silent, but deadly.”
Thanks for that. In my ignorance, I thought his case was merely meritorious
Twitter has no idea what they are up against. Nunes and his lawyer even know about the shadow banning!