If they had just printed the magazine in their new mother tongue, cyrillic then it would have been shot fired over some people’s head.
You know all those years when you said we were coming for your guns, when we weren’t? Starting to seem like a pretty good idea after all. So … thanks?
BTW, if you believe that a national emergency declaration can override Article I powers reserved to Congress, why not Amendment II? In your answer, NRA, consider the paltry numbers of Americans killed by immigrants compared to gun violence.
Why are ammosexuals such sicko’s, terrified of strong women?
Generations of rampant inbreeding?
Low T?
Mother issues?
The possibilities boggle the mind…
Compensation for inadequate/inoperative manhood?
The nationalists are restless tonight.
Genuinely sick.
Look at us! Don’t listen to the news that we’re a bankrupt, compromised, criminal enterprise. We’re relevant!
It takes a low life piece of scum to set up an article and image like that. Remember that, the players in this game are of that caliber. To hit this point, a sense of guilt is impossible. We pretty much know that the NRA as it exists is a tool, not an end. The mentality is in action elsewhere.
For example:
Every single moment in society that can have a redeeming factor is soiled by the these people. In there is a reward for them. Whether it is monetary gain, sense of power and entitlement or simply by denying and abusing fact and reality they can be lazy and not do a damn thing about an issue, they will find a way to counter it. The instigator of the article is as said, a low life. But the readership falls into that mentality of suspending responsibility to achieve some sort of satisfaction. It is chicken soup for the soul of those who can loudly say “Yep, that is what I thought”, but never spent a brain cell’s energy thinking about it and never intend to.
I’m so sick of Putin and this ongoing Russian takeover that has flooded this country with guns purposely to make us shoot each other.
I’m so sick of the people who have fallen into Putin’s trap so easily. Not to mention the ones who were bought.
Of course they did, it’s just you libtards that don’t understand the imagery
probably be too much of a fantasy to hope a lawsuit over this
could ever appear before Amy Berman Jackson —
but I’ll hold on to it … anyway —
Looks like we need a nice raid of NRA headquarters. Surely if one of us posted that, we’d be getting a knock on the door by a bunch of heavily armed SWAT, at a minimum.
In spades… and I used that word for a reason.
This is sickening! And, just like Roger Stone’s little target next to Judge Jackson’s photo. This kind of stuff needs to stop.