I was so hoping it was Wayne LaPierre.
Serves the asshole right! Especially at NRA hqtrs!
Shot himself in his ass eh? Appropriate. Was the NRA anything like the following?
I have never figured out what this n00b was trying to accomplish by his “fast draw” up in the face of his intended target:
the worst part of every drive to Costco is driving past that place. blech.
NRA has released a statement. Employee was said to have some liberal tendencies which are blamed for the accident. No real conservatives were harmed by this unfortunate event.
It’s friday I couldn’t help myself
Are his freedoms intact? That’s all that matters!
“NRA Employee Accidentally Shoots Himself At Association Headquarters.”
“You can’t make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire.” – The late, great Art Buchwald
LOL! Guess he never heard of a hang-fire. Just a little Darwinism going on here folks. Just nature weeding out the slow-witted.
It is so good to know how much NRA employees and members are such paragons of gun safety!
Two inches from checking out. (shakes head) I hope that guy learned his lesson.
Obama’s fault…
NRA Employee Accidentally Shoots Himself At Association Headquarters
Schadenfreude, baby!
He must be one of those mentally ill people that is newly empowered to have access to guns.
It certainly is.
Proof that guns don’t kill people. Write it down snowflakes!!
Donnie says: Those horrible photos of that child-like victim. Very many lines have been crossed.
Launch the missiles…
John and Paul sang about it 50 years ago.
He blew his mind out in a car. He didn’t notice that the red lights had changed