Discussion: NRA Board Member: Clinton And Obama Should Be Hanged Over Benghazi

That is one descriptive sentence, 538Liberal. Way to go.


What’s on his hard drive?

You know, this guy has his own TV show. When is someone going to create a database of his show’s sponsors like they do for Rush? Need to boycott those sponsors until his show is cancelled.

Yeah, who could have ever saw this coming? Except, oh…maybe everyone?

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Beef jerky and WD-40?

Ah, finally, the intellectual wing of the Republican Party speaks.

America, it has come to this??? Shameful beyond belief!!

Lots O’ whoppers in that one but the stand out is calling ‘13 hours’ a blockbuster. It’s doing very poorly.


Nugent is the homeless guy on the corner who talks to himself and growls semi-coherent insults under his breath at passers-by and who should probably be in an institution. He just had a name for himself and a stream of income from a prior life, so he’s managed to stay afloat. The guy proudly shit his own pants and did a boatload of drugs to get out of serving his country in Vietnam, and currently makes a living jerking off to guns and screaming angry right-wing bullshit to like-minded idiots. Let’s not spike our blood pressure too much over anything he has to say. In a slightly different universe we’d be dropping change into a cut up beer can by his side.


Time to pack him off to the Oregon nature reserve.

You like killing things, Orc? You like death?


This fuckwad needs another visit from the Secret Service if he hasn’t had one already. Gawd, I’m so sick of this asshole and racist shit.

I apologize again as a native Michigander for this POS. On the plus side, we can accept some measure of pride in having Glenn Frey hail from our state. Frey was from Royal Oak. Born and raised here.


Ya know even if Obama and Clinton did do something that caused 4 folks to die in Benghazi, how does that compare to Bush and Cheney with Iraq. These folks, and there are a lot of similar guys like Nugent, that just seem like they are completely off their rocker over this shit. Thanks god most don’t have nearly the guts to do all this shit they post on their facebook accounts about doing, but still, a bunch of racist loons.

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Truly a representative of the Reich-Wing of America.

Good idea

The world loses artistic luminaries such as Bowie, Rickman, and Frey in two weeks time.

And this sh^tstain continues on unfettered by reality (nor talent).



Fromthe TPM article

“Nugent also made reference to “13 Hours,” Michael Bay’s recently-released film about Benghazi, writing that the film “raises dramatic new questions” about Clinton’s role in the response to the attacks.”

I saw the actor in this film on Maher’s show on Friday night and from what he says, there was “no stand down” order and that the CIA folks didn’t want to let the special forces go to help the others. They wanted them to stay there and protect them. So how is this Clinton’s fault. TPM sucks at times

he’s going to freak out when he sees Red Dawn.

Rotten Tomatoes is my go to website for film criticism, and interestingly it gets a failed 58% rating from professional critics while audiences give it 88%.

“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” H.L. Mencken


Yes. Same problem with making any arrests in Oregon. The right has ginned up the “government is destroying America” meme so much that any normal legal action is automatically labelled as police state behaviour.