“Now Wary Of Holding Big Rallies, White Nationalists Resort To Tiny ‘Flash Mobs’”
Tiny mobs for tiny minds.
I believe German gangs used to call these events “patriotic meetings” complete with one-armed salutes to the Swastika flag.
Ah yes. Kristalnacht was comprised of many such 15 minute interludes. It’s more than enough time for efficient and enthusiastic youth to smash out all the windows and set fire to the synagogue.
White nationalistNazi coward, dateless misfit, and nanophallic attention-whore Richard Spencer…”
Don’t these nazi assholes have to get a permit to protest on a college campus in advance? Calling for a flash mob should get them booted off campus or other places by law enforcement sooner for not doing so I would think, providing law enforcement does their job in providing public safety.
The Horst Wessel Lied lasts less than four minutes, even with the extended tuba solo.
I love this headline. Good - they need to be damn wary. Americans are not having this Nazi shit.
And tiny hands!
"We’re going to be back; you haven’t seen the last of us,” Harris continued. "
And twirled his mustashe like Snidley Whiplash? Gawd there’s just so much wrong with these a$$holes.
That’s anti-United States expressions.
Republicans insist you and your children watch. The freedom of anti-Americans is more important than yours. That’s how patriotic the Republican Party is.
Damn, man. I didn’t realize you knew so many words!
The very best way to deal with a flashmob is to flash right back.
I’d shoot a BA at these Hitler wannabes that would bring a tear to their eyes.
The Alibi Machine
All the Bridges Rusting
A Kind of Murder
The Last Days of the Permanent Floating Riot Club
- Larry Niven, from +/- 1994
Some feel dated but still good reads.
“We want to show that we have the logistics and the apparatus to do these things on short notice and without any warning to the places where we’re gonna show up,” Enoch said
What, you mean you have an account on evite.com?
So flash dances are now known to be an effective recruitment tool.
That explains why I keep watching Patrick Swayze movies : - )
Not sure how Dirty Dancing will help but if the racist pricks want to do grind dances on each other, I’m no one to get in the way.
Whatever ‘Occupies’ them ; )
‘Tiny’ flash mobs, in observance of Preznident Tiny hands.
Racist pricks are so thoughtful. Whoodaeverthunkit.
I think with a flash mob they are gone before the police get there. The way I got the story the flash mob showed up, sang objectionable things, and left. The police got there after they’d left. Not much cops can do in that situation. These people are awful.
Yeah. They’re like streakers, except the only thing they’re exposing is their abhorrent bigotry.
I know that when I really really feel strongly about something and just have to go out in public to protest, I always try to do it unannounced, in a hurry, in the midst of a college kegger then run and hide.
Possibly send some nasty dark web blogs about it after to guarantee only the same idiots that I went with see it. DOH!
Here’s the message: White Not-Supremacists have realized that even with a sympathetic backer named POTUS, they are still nationally despised and need to go back to their dark white underground because, still losers.