I caught an advance glimpse of the title of his autobiography, which he is rushing to press: D.O.A.
He seems like Walter Mitty trying to be James Bond.
Carter is at the pinnacle of his career and he knows it.
It’s only down, down, down the dark ladder from here.
I think someone needs to tell Page that Republicans control all the committees, right now and for the next year and a half.
Won’t do any good. People who are convinced of their own righteousness consider themselves invincible and are immune to facts.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
n. see Carter Page
Surreal, he meets Allegra at the Starbucks downtown NYC. To talk about the Russia nothing burger. This guys a definite hustler…Allegra, what did he order? The white Russian coffee?
Joe Harper, Barney Fife, Candide, Jar Jar Binks?
Page is guaranteed entry into the Pantheon of Inept Sidekicks and Peripheral Players.
He may, in fact, end up at the very top.
It is simply amazing that he was recruited as window dressing for Trump’s then nonexistent foreign policy advisers team. Tells us everything we need to know about the chaotic structure of the campaign organization, and now this So-called “Administration.”
Did Page’s “recruitment” occur when Cory Levandoski was still running the program? One has to laugh, else we’d weep.
Additional nominees? The list starts here:
Donald Segretti
That line is a keeper.
He seems like a guy that knows he fucked up and is trying to make up for it in some way. Hey if he can help bring down or stop Donald I’m all for it. The grand canyon was dug with billions of grains of sand!
Republicans control the committee. If they wanted him to let him speak than it is well within their ability to do. What Dems can do one way or another is minimal. If Dems could call people to testify I imagine that we would have heard from all sorts of people by now.
Nobody in the trump crowd is smart enough to be deep throat…
Carter Page craves media attention. Oh, and, he’s also nuts!
Well, Kudos to Allegra for meeting him, I think one of Josh’s secret weapons is employing a staff of smart and competent female reporters…
He’s the “Howard Sprague” or “Mr. Peepers (Wally Cox)” of Trumpsylvania.
I almost feel nostalgic. This guy is old school Watergate wako.
Yeah. That was weird, right?