Discussion: Not All GOP Lawmakers Pleased Trump Rolled Back Some Obama Cuba Policies

If Obama did it, Trump will undo it. Period. That is his agenda - to erase Obama from the history books as much as he possibly can. From healthcare to the Paris accords to Cuba, it is extremely easy to predict Trump’s stance. What seems inconsistent is actually the one consistent thing about him.

It is like his prime directive.

And Flake, unfortunately, is more worried about being primaried from the right than in actually doing anything for his constituents. All of his tendencies toward reasonableness get washed away by the same acid bath that saturates the Republican party and continues to give us crazier and crazier ideologues. I wish it was just a Republican problem, but it is actually the biggest problem facing our country.


So everyone agrees - there is no reason at all to do this except to undo what Obama did.

Yeah that’s how you run a country. Or even a business.


Trump’s new Cuba policy will effectively open the door to renewed Russian influence in Cuba. Anyone wonder how the Orange One will compare to Kennedy when confronting Russian missiles on the Cuban island?

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Not every nation has the benefit of ‘backchannels’ to grease the skids. Seems that if you loan him money or have a hotel with his name on it you are A-OK, otherwise drop dead.