Discussion: Northam's Medical School Launches Probe Of Racist Yearbook Photo

“Northam’s Medical School Launches Probe Of Racist Yearbook Photo”

Really? Nobody in the Med School administration looked at the proofs? Seriously?

Is it normal for medical schools to have high school style yearbooks? Was this an official school publication or purely student generated and financed? These are questions that have been absent from the discussion. It’s actually a safe assumption it was not the type of official yearbook everyone is assuming it was (neither was the original Facebook for example). To be fair to Northam, it remains to be determined who put that page together. Again, most likely he did but far from certain. It’s unlikely but possible that he had no idea it existed, or, if he did, no easy way to suppress it. Consider the inanity of the quote. It is difficult to imagine someone voluntarily putting that on their personal page. If the story involves some of the complexities outlined here, we also have to consider the point that if Northam is accurate in saying it’s not him, he would appear to be protecting whoever it actually is.

If he knows. Then or now.