Discussion: North Korean Official Arrives At White House For Meeting With Trump

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Are there any witnesses present or are we gonna have to hear from the Russians over what really happened in this meeting?

If this goes like tRump’s well thought out trade war, we are totally screwed.

Foreign policy based on the Man-baby’s personal sentiment, whim and how well he woke up this morning…What could possibly go wrong?


This is unusual. Trump usually reserves Oval Office meetings to occur with his Russian handlers, not others.

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All of this going on during “Infrastructure Week?”


Kim is expected to present a letter from Kim Jong Un (kim jawng oon), the North Korean dictator, to Trump.

Thank you, AP, but I already knew his name and how to say it…so I have to assume that was for Trump’s benefit.

And has John Kelly been demoted to high-priced doorman or is this protocol?

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North Korean official noted that a lobotomy does not always treat mental illness.

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"Kim’s re-emergence was initially met with hostility in South Korea, where he’s accused of being a key figure in the 2010 sinking of the South Korean naval corvette Cheonan.

North Korea vehemently denies any involvement in the torpedoing of the ship, in which 46 sailors died.

He was also reported to be involved in the 2014 Sony hack…"

And so, once again, Trump defiles “The People’s House” by welcoming another butcher into its sacred space.

Feting still more hostile, foreign enemies who militarily attack the Unites States and its allies.

All so the GOP’s PT Barnum – and his clown enablers – can score a transient uptick in reality-show ratings.

Lincoln vomits in his grave at the traitorous depths to which his once-great party has sunk.


I’ve seen it reported that in the letter Kim makes no concessions and that the anticipated meeting is unlikely. It’s ironic that the only thing saving us from a bad deal is the obstinate refusal of a dictator to giving up his nuclear weapons.

It’s hard for a man with no credibility to make a deal, and I’m talking about Trump, not Kim.

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Will American media be allowed to be present?


I want to see the “handshake” photo.

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Brings back the thought,
The enemy within.
The list grows.

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