Discussion: North Korea State Media Praises 'Wise Politician' Donald Trump

You gotta feel sorry for those poor folks over at The Onion.


And with The Donald, cum quickly as well.


They should write a farewell issue. Maybe Mission Accomplished?


Apparently that story was untrue.


Trump and Kim are birds of a feather–both feature appallingly bad hair.


Will work for food.


Give Trump’s campaign some credit. His ground people are trying to nail down that all-important “brutal, mentally unstable dictator” demographic. They’re just trying to balance out the wave of support they’re getting from the Amish.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that The North Korean State Media is the go-to place for sophisticated wit, surreal humor and general bonhomie.


Has anyone informed Hair Furor that the Amish don’t read tweets?


Except that’s to keep North Korean citizens IN, not foreigners out. Foreigners can get IN to NK relatively easily. It’s gettig OUT again that’s the problem.

You might also consider Googling articles on the ‘neutral zone’ that unifies … did I say “unifies”? I meant SEPARATES NK and SK - yea, YEA: SEPARATES.

Except that’s not what the zone is for. The interstate zone hosts hundreds and hundreds of factories for which the NK government provides many thousands of essentially state-indentured slave laborers, which SK provides the construction capital, the transport out of the zone into SK, and the markets for the cheap low-labor cost goods. If NK wants to 'renegotiate the terms of their arrangement, by custom SK investors refuse and plead hardship to their own government. Then when the SK government fails to resolve the impasse - which of course it always does, fail that is - NK makes threats to attack SK, SK usually has no ready response, so then NK’s military forces do some aggressive things like attacking SK;s remote properties or firing on SK shipping or doing yet another phony baloney missile test which usually fails, then if things still haven’t been worked out, the dictator threatens every other nation but particularly SK and the US, and then SK somehow finds a way to subsidize SK investor losses, and life continues as it has for decades.

I can see why the ruling junta would have Kim Yong-un “endorse” Trump: they’d know perfectly well how this would come across over here. They can’t very well have Trump win and destroy their entire economic system. They NEED a USA-supported SK in order to sustain the threat engine. If Trump were to win, that would upset everything and China, SK and Japan at least might feel obliged to take down the junta. Very costly, very messy, hundreds of thousands to millions would die (maybe …) and bad for business as well.

Kim : “It’s all bout’ missile programs. Donald has tiny hands, much tinier than mine. So he has Nodong!”



Putin’s in a whole different space than Kim Yong-un. He’d be FINE with the collapse of the US. So whatever he says about Trump will be aimed, badly or not, at provoking the American electorate to vote for Trump.

The place that would really freak over Trump being elected is China: the leaders there NEED something like this.

Trump’s reply to Kim’s glowing endorsement: “Get Moose and Squirrel!”


“There are many positive aspects to Trump’s ‘inflammatory policies,’” Han Yong-mook, a self-described Chinese North Korean scholar, wrote in an editorial, according to a Wednesday report in NK News. “Trump said he will not get involved in the war between the South and the North, isn’t this fortunate from North Korea’ perspective?”

“Who knew that the slogan ‘Yankee Go Home’ would come true like this? The day when the ‘Yankee Go Home’ slogan becomes real would be the day of Korean Unification,” Han Yang-mook wrote in the editorial.

Has Manafort commented on this yet?

And it really is a crying shame that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

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See, he doesn’t need Ryan’s second rate endorsement!


When is Marco Rubio going to apologize to Kim about his tiny hands?

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Trump: “So there Bill Kristol. Take your second rate #NeverTrump and shove it! Who needs ya’?”

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Trump, Kim, and Putin standing together in support of each other. Goddamned, the Dem oppo ads won’t take much thought this year. All we need now is Trump Trollop Sarah Palin saying, “I can see Pyongyang from my house!”

Oh The Half Baked Alaskan has weighed in in the past.

I’m only surprised that later she didn’t clarify and correct by adding: “Well, North and South Korea must stop their hostility. After all they’re both Japanese.”