Discussion: North Carolina GOP Leader Pulls Out Handcuffs For Clinton On National TV

Every day I live here I am becoming more and more embarrassed, scared and shocked. I used to live in an African third world country, and have never seen anything like this…Time to pack the bags and pets.

Right wing politicking is based on fear, uncertainty and doubt. It’s the only way they know how to motivate their base to get out and vote.

Und I studied German intensively decades ago. Doubt if I could ask my way to das mens room today.

Great post. You may know that Pravda means truth. The other Russian newspaper is Isvestia that means news. Russians like to say that there’s no truth in the news and no news in the truth.
That’s where we’re heading with our “media”…

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In middle school I did 4 yrs of Latin. Could almost speak it by the end of that. Then in High school it was French. Once you had that particular teacher you always spoke to him, even outside class, in French. He was also the basketball coach and so the team had to take his coaching in French if there was a current or former student on his team. I went to a boarding school for the high school years so it was easier for that teacher to pull it off. But that was 50+ years ago.

Yep, my experiences were virtually identical except for the boarding part. I walked home for lunch.
And I had the Latin, too. About 4 days ago, I was explaining the Latin roots of some medical terms to my stepdaughter. She seemed impressed.
After college, I had a reading and some speaking knowledge of German, French, some Russian.
Went into an intel detachment. Army sent me to Korea.
That, plus $3.50 gets one a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Or, is it $4.50?