Discussion: North Carolina GOP Leader Pulls Out Handcuffs For Clinton On National TV

It genuinely DOESN’T MATTER to these sh*theads whether she’s actually been charged with something or not.

Does. not. matter.

She’s Hillary Rodham Clinton and that’s enough for them. No,really. Same thing with President Blacky McBlack. That’s all they need to know.

When White people get on the Internet and lament that Black people in NC aren’t turning out in numbers quite like 2008, you’re looking at the reason right there on MSNBC. No need to look further.

Clinton will win the election and I’m hoping beyond hope that she wins NC.


Exactly. They will either be rewarded or punished.
And if they’re rewarded, they’ll stick with what works.

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The interviewer NEVER seems to ask exactly that when one of these grandstanding yokels is being interviewed: "What SPECIFICALLY are her crimes? Give us a clear statute or law she has broken and cite it. That should be easy for someone ready to make an arrest. If you can’t, you’re a liar and a pandering scam artist aren’t you?"

Seems like an easy situation to deal with.


These guys do know they’re the laughing stock of the country, right? Right?

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I think a lot of people believe that Hillary belongs in handcuffs. It’s NOT good.

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Yeah, I hate to say it, but I believe this to be a winning message. We were simply unprepared to deal with Clinton Derangement Syndrome.


No, the goats are cranky in the evening. He cuffs them late morning, has his fun, follows with a big lunch.

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Well, yeah. You scream something at credulous people 24/7 for a year and a half, most of them will believe it.


“A North Carolina Republican leader pulled out a pair of handcuffs on MSNBC Thursday and said Clinton could be wearing them by Inauguration Day.”

How refreshingly Stalinesque.

Let’s all give a big round of applause to the man from the People’s Democratic Republic of Batsh!t Crazy.


The base taking over the GOP is as close as you’re going to come in real life to the inmates taking over the asylum.


Woodhouse said that there was no “suppression vote problem in North Carolina”

Really? Then why is a judge …a FEDERAL judge pissed off about voter suppression in N. Carolina?


It’s a feature, not a bug.

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In their head, GOP voters are not showing up because they’re not going crazy enough. Had it happen here in texas with the ag commissioner. Now I live in “urban crescent/triangle” Texas, but on local news and papers, condemnation was universal. Not near-universal. Andrew he backtracked. But whether it was a retweet (it wasn’t) or an intern who did it (I doubt it), why would anyone ok politics think that was ok to send out.

They can call her a c— if they like. It’s crass and reflects poorly on them. But in a few days, that’ll be President C— to them.


I saw the interview with this thug. What’s the German word for a punchable face?

This is kind of guy who would be part of a trump government.


Mr. Woodhouse probably didn’t intend it, but he has exposed himself as a drama queen.


I feel like I’m living in a real-life John Carpenter movie.


The only Trump government I want is a government in exile.


If we don’t address these voter suppression games in some kind of broad, federal legislation that criminalizes it, then we’ll continue the descent into some kind of 3rd world banana republic.

Vote suppression of rigging is a characteristic of fascism. These Trump people walk and talk a Mussolini campaign.


He should save those handcuffs for the FBI agents leaking like a sieve violating the Hatch Act.


A Drama Queen named after the TV show his parents were watching when a steamy scene with Sue Ellen Ewing lead to his Friday night conception.

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