Discussion: No, Baltimore's Freddie Gray Did Not Have A Pre-Existing Spinal Injury

He hit a telephone wire on the way down after jumping off the moon.

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"The post on thefourthestate.co cited “sources who allege that Freddie
Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we [sic] was
arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from
Allstate Insurance.” The post also alleged that Gray received the
surgery because he had been involved in a car accident.


If Freddie had a SEVERED spinal cord from a car accident a week prior to his arrest. I doubt STRONGLY he’d be out and about getting arrested. His spinal cord was severed. That means everything south of the damage wasn’t communicating with his brain. If in the neck he wouldn’t have been able to do anything worthy of ANY police involvement …other than getting him medical attention for his frigging paralysis.
Jeebers on a cracker… the right is unforgivably stupid.


Are fences a foot and a half tall in Baltimore? Freddie severed his spine and crushed his wind pipe and THEN jumped from a 3rd story window just to test the theory of gravity??? Wow. Just wow…Tom Marr is quite the physicist! He needs to get hired by Berkeley or MIT. We can’t afford to lose this power house intellect.

((lays head on desk))


Look Beatty, cut ol’Billo some slack, OK?? the poor fellow’s been lookin’ at pictures of awful mayhem and violence. An an an FIRES at a CVS drug store even…poor man. He got serious smoke inhalation injuries from all that video he’s been Forced…forced mind you in the course of his job to look at. The poor dear is a true American hero …Bless his craven little heart.



It’s not just bigotry and racism. It’s doing their best to completely dehumanize minorities, so that when things like this continue to happen, they can argue that the people who are being killed by the police somehow deserved it.


“Malice a for thought is just 1”

Middle school English wasn’t exactly his forte, it appears. I see three major grammatical errors there alone. Of course, that’s my elitism disparaging his honest intentions by saying if he can’t communicate in his native language, he’s not worth heeding

Don’t forget to mention:'Carlos never assume anything is true until there is confirmation" in the same paragraph with " I clearly noted a caller said he ran into about an 18 inch high stone or brick wall. Added again it was unconfirmed."

Who gives these people jobs?


Or maybe it was aliens that did it. Yeah, that’s it. Aliens used uhhh – a tractor beam to try and pick up the van! But they dropped it. Yeah, that’s the ticket! And since Freddie Grey was in the back unsecured, when the van fell, he bounced — because of the aliens! Yeah, and then they used superior technology to wipe the minds of those inside the van. That’s why the cops don’t remember what happened to Freddie’s spine!

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Well that’s the essence of conservatism. There are only two narratives in their world: 1) “Those so-called ‘victims’ you bleeding hearts are mewlin’ about had it comin’ to 'em!” and 2) “Hey, I/we am/are the real victim(s) here!”


Sadly the first victim in all of these cases is the truth. I’m tired of it.

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There is NO comparison between these two situations. None.

Then why do you feel the need to comment? What are you, the Darren Wilson Hall Monitor? mickeyg was obviously being sarcastic – why are you compelled to rush in and clear away the fumes of an attempt at humor? How come, as soon as there is any reference to Wilson, it is a 100% certainty that you will post something protective?


The right wing has never met a victim they didn’t want to blame.
Recent proof: Legitimate rape Akin?

I should have written him back and said, ¨When I mention on the radio the rumor about you engaging in animal porn, I’ll be sure to say it’s unconfirmed!¨ :wink:

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Tom Marr is a long time RWNJ on a tiny wingnut vanity station in Baltimore. “Loathesome asshole” is a glorious whitewashing of what a vile ignoramus he is and always has been. He comes from a milieu wherein Les Kinsolving is the dean of reporters. People who know what Tom Marr looks like cross the street - to spit on him.

FreddieGray was a diversion

in order to direct attention away from Texas being invaded.


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(Hangs head, pouts; hands in pockets, kicks a pebble …)

Well, okay, when you put it like that. /s

OK then. Glad we straighten that out.
(squares shoulders and flips Billo the bird)

Seriously now. Billo can be such a pompous dick sometimes when he pontificates about thing he does not understand.

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The person I responded to either did not read the DOJ report, or like you can’t comprehend it.

His comment had absolutely nothing to do with the DOJ report, nor about reality on any level. There was nothing “ignorant” about it because it offered no claim related to reality. The joke you compared this to, about the forger of Obama’s birth certificate, still has, at its root, a fictional accusation, whereas there was no accusation at all in mickeyg’s joke. It merely mentioned Wilson in an absurdist connection with Freddie Gray. Why would you feel the need to clarify an obviously absurdist comment? Was it simply that he mentioned your hero, Darren Wilson, in a less than reverential light?

Btw, if you have such strong feelings about championing ignorance, why did you delete your comment?

I did not delete my comment, apparently a monitor did. If I deleted it, it would say “comment withdrawn”, not be missing.

Well, then, even better. It’s about time the monitors started deleting you.

And, for what it’s worth, when you delete a comment, it only says “post deleted by author” for 24 hours before it is deleted altogether.