many, many moons ago, when I was but a young sprout, I was studying for the CPA exam. I signed up for a prep class, every Saturday, for 8 hours, in a dank church basement. one of the very few things that has stuck with me from that class: try to avoid using absolutes (never, always, etc.) in your answers, because, more often than not, there will be an exception.
I know Gov. Haley is an accountant, I don’t know (and don’t care) if she’s a CPA, but even as just an accountant, she should know better then to say something this obviously wrong, in public. at minimum, it makes her look ignorant of her own country’s (USA) basic history; don’t even need to get down into the weeds to know this statement is wrong on its face. she and her staff were too lazy to even do that minimal amount of research, and now she looks like an idiot in public.
see: Chinese Exclusion Act
and that’s just off the top of my head.