Discussion: Nielsen’s Career Forever Linked To Family Border Separations

She was appointed to a series of jobs she had no business doing. If half the country wasn’t opposed to meritocracy on principle, she would have risen to a position where her talents would have been well-used, and no further.

But self-important is as self-important does. She doesn’t know her limits, and she plays for a team that doesn’t care about winning the season as much as getting scouted.


She is blonde after all.

Chris Matthews had guests on tonight addressing this issue.

Wouldn’t she also have some part in the estimated 5,000 dead in Puerto Rico?


Whenever, I hear or see Nielsen’s name, I am always going to remember that caca she spewed during her infamous Press Conference at the WH.

So yes, she has better get used to it, because it is already here…see how the protesters ran her out of a Mexican restaurant last night in DC? She probably went home crying about it, all night.

Every step of this story makes me sick, these people are so fucked up.


If she still has her own children, it’s not a fair trade.

We already know what the first line of her obituary will be, decades from now.

“She privately expressed her concerns to Trump” will be the second line.

Just as when Colin Powell was asked to go before the UN and lie about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs and he did so, Nielsen had the chance to do the honorable thing and resign. Powell didn’t and had no political future; so too has Nielsen no political future. You made this bed, lie in it.



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What was it that Corey Lewandowski said in that controversial interview? - “Womp, womp.” That’s how much I care about Nielsen’s future career options.


I’m Danish and embarrassed that a woman whose name suggests similar ethnic origins could stoop so low.

No one who sided with our bloated shitwad President will be allowed in decent society after this. She’s hardly alone. Frankly, every single person who went to Trump’s rally tonight should have their citizenship stripped and then be locked up in an Arpaio-style tent prison for the rest of their worthless lives.

Do reptiles have tear ducts?

“good riddance”?

Don’t forget to also hang this albatross around the neck of one Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, who is as complicit as Nielsen in making this happen. His post-administration life should be monastic. I also expect both will have to be as circumspect with their international travel as Dick Cheney (they got Pinochet).


I know a role where she’ll fit right in, especially given the current prediliction for remakes:

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I wonder if they’ll beg for mercy after sentencing in the post-Trump tribunal.

She’s certainly rethinking Taco Tuesday for dinner meetings.

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