Discussion: Nielsen On State Of The Union Delay: Unfunded DHS Is 'Fully Prepared' For It

There are very few people I despise, but Nielsen is one of them. Just seeing her name makes me cringe and want to cry as I remember her cavalier treatment of mothers and children. If there is a hell, she belongs in the hottest spot.


As someone still getting a paycheck, that is mighty white of her.


Hmmm, the head of Department of Hamberders Security (DHS), making about $144K to $179K, has some BS tweet about preparedness for those who are not getting paid for over a month (by Jan 29).

Another Trump “let them eat cake” moment.


So this witch is going to force these people to work while they’re not getting a paycheck?

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Those two assholes look like they’re both going to have a heart attack at any minute.

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Thoughts and prayers…


Throw in some blankies, juice boxes, and toys, too, and you’ve got a plan.

Love it!!!


Not for them.

Well…that depends on what those thoughts and prayers are all about. Remember, strokes and heart attacks.

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But he could still get some type of, say, food poisoning.

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Again, thoughts and prayers!

Heart attacks. Food poisoning. It doesn’t really matter to me.


Serve them the leftovers from the White House/Clemson banquet.
Assuming Trump hasn’t eaten them already.

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Or just deliver it from the WH, as Pelosi suggested. How much you want to bet we’re getting yet another prime time “speech” on TV, this time the SOTU, and once again just a rambling, pointless, lie-filled exercise rife with rhetoric and red-meat for the ‘base’.

This president hasn’t yet represented me once. Not once. He has a narrow, uncompromising view, that feeds the worst in us. Considering it would just be more of the same; his continuous nazi-like “rallies”, and the last couple of press appearances, I wonder how many would actually tune in?


“We thank the Service for their mission focus and dedication and for all they do each day to secure our homeland.”

I have no doubt that if called on to work without pay for a SOTU address, they will do a fine job.

But here’s a thought - in addition to thanking them for their service, PAY THEM!

I, and the rest of the American people, already gave you the money to pay them through our taxes, they already have earned the money, we want them paid, and ultimately, you work for us, so PAY THEM already!


I’m old enough to remember her job used to be responding to Hurricane Katrina.


Yeah. Shouldn’t DHS personnel be at the Border, where apparently we have an “emergency” situation? It would be a dereliction of duty to pull them out for a mere speech when a “caravan” of dangerous terrorists are approaching. Or is that not the case?


This statement is likely as true as all the other statements she’s made.

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So how many times during Pres. Obama’s two term did someone try to jump the WH fence, or then there’s that one guy who made it in?

A few listings to remember.

Yeah I’m sure the shades of those lost in New Orleans after Katrina will have a little welcoming reception for her.

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