Poor McConnell…scared he might lose his seat and his cushy job where all he has to do is get up, throw a temper tantrum, and sit down again?
Sorry, Mitch, reality is reality is reality. Thomas E. Mann said it at The Atlantic just today: The Republicans today are a radical insurgency who are, among their other deficiencies, “unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science”.
I’ll see your Mitch McConnell and raise you a Ted Cruz.
Let me cut to the chase for them, no, he doesn’t care about what’s at stake for Kentuckians. If I were Grimes, I’d be targeting every single person who’s signed up for Kynect. “McConnell wants to cancel your health insurance.”
Game over.
There are many things KYians can overlook about our senator as long as he’s willing to oppose scary black president who is scary, but blatantly treating us like a bunch of morons may be a bridge too far. I also think it’s bad strategy to even try to pretend Obamacare and Kynect are two different things when it’s an easily verifiable fact that they’re one in the same. It begs the media and others to correct the record. With so many popular former and current Democratic officials campaigning for Grimes, it’s just stupid to give them all such great ammunition they can use to outright call McConnell a liar.
If Grimes hadn’t botched her ACA response, it would be easier to use this.
“If Obamacare is repealed, Kentucky should decide for itself whether to keep Kynect or set up a different marketplace,” McConnell campaign spokeswoman Allison Moore told TPM on Tuesday.
Yes, Mitch, and if my Grandma had wheels, she’d be a wagon…
and I’ll see your Cruz and bump you up a Charles and David Cock.
The answer to the first question is an emphatic “yes.” McConnell knows exactly what he’s doing, and does it anyway. Which is what makes it truly despicable.
I don’t know about that - Kentuckians have signed up for Kynect in droves and the reviews are already in - they LOVE the program. They are not going to like the idea that he wants to repeal their health care. And I doubt they’ll believe his bullshit.
“…—or cares— …”
Right. All the evidence shows The Turtle quit caring about America, and Kentuckians in particular, about 30 years ago.
I agree. And Dems all over the country should rinse, lather and repeat. Continually.
“Kynect could not survive without the ACA”
“Kentuckians are waiting to learn if their five-term senator understands —or cares— how much is at stake”
Jay-zeus… that’s a condemnation right there. Time for Grimes to make Kentuck…ians? iers?.. make people from Kentucky aware of the connection - I’d start by running those lines from that article in every single ad from here till Halloween.
Poor Mitch. What a quandary. He’s spent the last five years doing everything he can to destroy the Affordable Care Act, but the local actualization of it, Kynect, is functioning smoothly and is immensely popular. So he has to find a way to reconcile his opposition to the ACA with with Kentuckians’ approval of Kynect. So what does he do? He tries to tell everyone that the ACA and Kynect are two entirely different things – that one has nothing to do with the other. Now any fool (even a Kentucky Republican) can see that this is just not true. So Mitch has crawled out on a very shaky limb and the Lexington Herald-Leader has sawed it off.
What Grimes needs to do is make sure there are numerous sharp objects where Mitch is about to land.
Oh, my. Someone is noticing that Republicans are reduced to babbling incoherently because of their incoherent ideology. Too bad, Yertle. Have a piece of lettuce…
McConnell is going to destroy the state exchange and then try to blame it on Hillary. Will work as well as his promise to make Obama fail in his first term. KY is trying ever so hard to pull itself out of the Dark Ages but Mitch keeps pulling it back into GOP oblivion.
Summertime! Even a turtle needs flip-flops…
That “extremist radical Alinskyite” stuff may work in Washingon DeeCee, but down in Kentucky, that sh*t don’t play. No, in Kentucky, the answer to questions about his ACA position, like all other issues, involves the words “war on coal!”
Bammy gon’ take yer GUNZ, too.
Thank-You for that, I will be chuckling all day on that line, Bravo!