Discussion: News Outlets Botch Story On Sex Assault Reporting In Scott Walker's Budget

Discussion for article #233826

Natasha Vargas-Cooper is a hack and an embarrassment to any supposed new organization that hires her.

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Remember that time the conservative media made a big factual error and quickly acknowledged it, apologized and clearly marked articles with details of the error?

Yeah, me neither.


In the bigger picture, slightly misfactual stories about Walker are the truth and the norm. Because he is so dishonest, its nearly impossible to separate the truth from distortion with him. And even if Walker slips up and tells the truth, he later changes his mind or blames an intern.


Isn’t calling Jezebel a news site pretty much the same as calling FOX a news station?

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Scott Walker reduced the accountability of universities for reporting crimes as much as he could.

He can’t repeal federal reporting requirements, but he repealed state reporting requirements.

Why TPM is defending him is beyond me.

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I’m glad TPM ran this article.

It’s important in this era of rampant Truthiness in the Mediacracy to stand up for the principle that truth in reporting is still important. I linked this article on my Facebook page, where I have seen several posts seriously accusing Walker of trying to hid assaults on campus.

Besides being the right thing to do, misreporting on our side does not go unnoticed by the Koch Bros and Americans for Prosperity of the world. This kind of careless distortion is used to push the meme that “Both sides do it” and to discredit everything coming from the Progressive side of the divide.

“Well, they lied and said Scott Walker was trying to hide assaults on campus, why you gonna believe them about Global Warming?”

Kudos to TPM for making a conscientious effort to set the record straight.


Just change the fucking headline;

“Walker and WI State directors collude to hide sexual assault information”

Boom. Never apologize to these people. NEVER. They never apologize for what they do and no, you don’t have to take the high road. They probably cut your break lines in hopes you’d plummet to your death anyway.

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Yes and you are eminently qualified to make that judgement in an internet post.

I absolutely see your point.

Maybe you should see if Bill O’Reilly wishes to take the matter up.

In this day and age how difficult can it be to report to two levels of government? I’d have thought that all you had to do was to add another email address.

What I would be interested in knowing is whether there were any differences in the required reports and, if so, which one was more extensive.

Also, whether any state news outlets were in the habit of publishing the state level statistics and which direction those statistics have been headed in Wisconsin.

That said, not enough checking was done and the apology was merited.

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