Discussion: News Outlets Amplify False Claim Trump Saved Ford Plant From Moving To Mexico

IT wiLL be undeR 5 percent. UndeR oh bummer it is over 40 percent.

See, it’s not just Zuckerberg’s fault…

can coexist beginning two weeks ago. Unfortunately we who don’t deserve it will get what THEY deserve. It’s hard to describe how this feels like a weight on my shoulders, weighs anywhere from 230-250 lbs. and it’s dragging me down.


Like the truth…


I feel ya.

There is a darkness hanging overhead that is inescapable.


We gotta keep watching and see if those idiots issue an appropriate retraction. I just checked The Louisville Courier-Journal and saw the author Danielle Lerner had just quietly replaced the original by having FORD correct HO instead of correcting his own piece.


You must be referring to this.

LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—In an unexpected televised address on Saturday, Queen Elizabeth II offered to restore British rule over the United States of America.

Addressing the American people from her office in Buckingham Palace, the Queen said that she was making the offer “in recognition of the desperate situation you now find yourselves in.”

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t end well,” she said.

The Queen urged Americans to write in her name on Election Day, after which the transition to British rule could begin “with a minimum of bother.”

Elizabeth acknowledged that, in the wake of Brexit, Americans might justifiably be alarmed about being governed by the British parliamentary system, but she reassured them, “Parliament would play no role in this deal. This would be an old-school monarchy. Just me, and then, assuming you’d rather not have Charles, we could go straight to William and those children of his who have mesmerized you so.”

Using the closing moments of her speech to tout her credentials, the Queen made it clear that she has never used e-mail and has only had sex with one person “very occasionally.”


I didn’t know about this. hahahahaha I have just been saying this for days.

Hmmm…got me to thinking…
I never have seen Drumpf and Kim Jong-un together…
Curious, eh…?


Heh heh… I have been trying to conjure a moniker that’ll last the next 4 years (assuming he’s around that long). So, consequently I’m gonna steal your nick name and discard the one I had been working with (OH = Orange Horror).
Pres-elect Shitgibbon will morph into Prez Shitgibbon.
Still he;s not my President. The Executive Branch is in a condition much like the SCOTUS…short a member.

Pres-elect Shitgibbon… (((snicker)))

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Yes, except Utah. HRM doesn’t fancy Utah.

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All hail Commodus


It’s going to only get worse. Krugman is predicting a kleptocracy, people in power joining forces to elect a corrupt leader, and that would be that Putin and Comey. I’m taking orange at his word when he says he’s going to push an undemocratic agenda on this country.


looks like the so called lame stream liberal media is going to cover drumpf like it coverd bush from behind a curtain so none see’s the collusion between them and the drumpf admin…I wonder if the dug up Robert novak to lead this operation


welcome to flashback

From 2012’s campaign

Donald J. Trump is considered a compelling story to today’s media.


[quote=“pluckyinky, post:17, topic:47419”]
John Yarmuth and Greg Fisher need to get their asses in front of every available camera.[/quote]

I suspect there won’t be many available cameras for anyone who contradicts the lies with facts. American has long been in a media fact-free zone, and I’m afraid we’ll continue to remain there for the next four years.


The full epithet from bonny Scotland was “tiny-fingered, cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon.” I assume that was Trump’s full baptismal name. Runners up were: Pres. Cockwomble and Pres. Thundertwit.


Wait: did he actually get a call from Ford?

This post-election lie seems most like that pre-election lie where he claimed the NFL called to complain about the debate dates.


And the MSM will do everything in their power to cover up for and support the Reich.


I’m getting the picture pretty clearly - there isn’t going to be anyone ‘out there’ we will be able to depend on.

They are all going to “normalize” this and carry on as if we were still the great America they think we are.