Discussion: New Yorkers Ignore 'Fox And Friends' Host Asking About Texting While Walking

It’s almost 9AM on a Monday morning. Not sure what he was expecting.

That being said, I want to point out that this whole bill is not a serious one. The legislator who introduced it wouldn’t vote for it to be passed either (he said the bill if passed would be received with 5 fingers 4 of which would be bent).

The only reason he introduced it was to allow for a discussion on the issue. Personally I think it’s a complete non issue, but the idea that NYers will be paying fines if texting while walking is not even close to reality.

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maybe he should have gotten the Richard Spencer treatment.

ok - not advocating violence, but it’s cathartic to watch.


Perhaps Douchy could ask a certain someone about tweeting while presidenting.


Only Fox? You don’t think it would be most any broadcast team?

I love that so - I laugh and laugh and laugh. Never gets old.


I always wondered what the Fox and friends couch sitters and other hosts think about the well regarded Halal food cart in front of their headquarters. “Is that a terrorist chicken you’re grilling”.

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True story - the one time I texted while in a crosswalk in Manhattan my NYC friend turned to me and quipped “dude, you must be from out of town”. Not a smart thing to do there and (most of) the locals know it already.

I for one want F&F to send Doocey out and about every single morning at 8:30 AM to get the “man on the street” reaction to…well everything. And he must be required to wear the same shirt and suit every single morning. July and August will be quite a lovely time, and to counter those months December and January w/o an overcoat will get his humors in balance.

Ah, but can they text and watch TV?

I guess it never occurred to him that just maybe they didn’t want to talk to him.

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“Douche on the Loose” LOL


That video was frightening. Doocey was walking around unarmed in a big city, a sanctuary city. It’s a city with such tight restrictions on the weapons that people can carry for defense that every thug within 500 miles knows that they can come in for some easy pickings.

I had to stop watching before the gore and violence that was sure to come within minutes.


douche on the loose is more fitting… i’m just surprised/disappointed no one shoved into an oncoming car.

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I don’t advocate violence either. But when confronted by Doocey on the street, I think a nicely shouted, “Fuck you, you goddamned Trump fluffer!” would give most Manhattanites a jaunty pre-work lift in their spirits!


Ohh I wish I had been there this morning, because I would have spoke to him, and I don’t think they could have hit the bleep button fast enough.

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Sorta sounds like something you can fix with Kaopectate.

New Yorkers Ignore ‘Fox And Friends’ … could have stopped the title right there.


Yep, Douche on the loose.