Discussion: New York Mayor Won't Endorse Cuomo Or Nixon In Governor Race

Probably a very smart move…


Not a fan of either one, but does Nixon even remotely have a chance?


Last poll I saw had Cuomo up by nearly 50 points


To be frank, neither candidate really wanted it…

Aside: Pretty clear what Nixon is doing, she is getting lots of publicity for relatively small potatos in a race that she can’t win. She will leverage that into a bid for a congressional seat in 2020…


There’s this new reporting, Cuomo’s lavish use of government planes. Reminds me of when Christie took a helicopter and then a limo to get to his son’s soccer match.


Well, going for the obvious…
After this election…
We won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore.

Back in 1968, when political offices would gladly hand out any amount of campaign stuff to anyone who walked in, I used to go the Republican HQ and get bumper stickers and signs. After a slight modification, the bumper stickers would read, "Nix On Nixon.’


And Cuomo is at it again. Sheesh…

Honestly, as a New Yorker I try to see the positive in him, but he’s a dreadful human being, nothing at all like his father. He’s smart, he’s ruthless, he has rather sharp political skillz, and when pressured from the left he’ll sometimes do the right thing. I guess I see him similarly to the way I saw Rahm Emanuel: he’s an asshole, but (sort of) our asshole.

Smart move for de Blasio, though, he’s no doubt stuck with Cuomo one way or the other, probably best not to antagonize him any more than necessary, seeing how vindictive he can be and much of the city the state actually runs.

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“nothing at all like his father”

Mario Cuomo was a small time Queens Borough President, who, during his NYC Mayor Primary run against Ed Koch (to whom he lost and for whom we have Mario Cuomo to thank for the most polarizing, divisive, petty, vindictive Mayor in our history), had a sound truck in Queens, blaring “Vote for Cuomo, Not for the Homo.” When he won the NY Governorship, he and the NY Democratic Party embarked upon an Image Make Over that Ronald Reagan and his Kitchen Cabinet would have envied: he would quote Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to give himself un-deserved and un-earned intellectual depth…he wanted to be President and so turned up his nose at appointments to the US Supreme Court and the United Nations…before, as a two time incumbent, he lost a Governor Election to the un-charismatic, awful, cookie cutter Upstate GOP drone, George Elmer Pataki. Mario Cuomo also made sure to launch his intended political dynasty when Andrew married RFK’s daughter and the Clintons appointed Andrew to a major post (HUD). His other son was given a CNN anchor at a young age because of his family last name. Mario Cuomo was mostly a fraud. His son, Andrew is exactly his father’s son.

Interesting. I never followed his early career closely, and mercifully I was out of New York in 1977 for that lovely campaign smear. (I see Cynthia Nixon brought it back up during this primary season with the terms reversed :slight_smile: ) His loss to Pataki was part of the Republican Revolution of 1994, the one that gave us Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House, so I can’t really fault him for that.

I had always theorized that he wasn’t enthusiastic about a SCOTUS appointment due to skeletons in the closet that might come to light during a confirmation hearing.