Discussion: New VA Secretary Will Reassign Several High-Ranking Trump Appointees

Expect Wilkie himself to be “reassigned” in 5, 4, 3, 2…


BTW, isn’t that word “depoliticize”?

Unpoliticize , without the hyphen, is acceptable. When I was taught English the hyphen was tough to grasp. Essentially any word you make with it is OK as long at it can be understood. Un-good is an exception but on blogs I think anything flies.

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If this genuinely wants to stop the VA from being kicked about like a political football he’s in for a tough ride. Trump will not let him do it. To Trump everything is about Trump and his glorification. Soon enough he’ll make a move on the VA like he did trade or NATO, both disasters premised on making him look great, and the VA will suffer.


If he survives this move, that means the Pumpkin Traitor know it’s just cover for the massive privatization they’re really planning.

Trump might give Wilkie some leeway here if he thinks it will improve his ability to keep using the military as a prop. Get the VA in shape, or even improved some, and he looks good - or can at least claim to have done what no other president has ever done, not Honest Abe Lincoln, not Reagan, and certainly not Obama.

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The President of superlatives! And exclamation points! And superlatives! Me, me me!

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don’t forget CAPITALIZATION, rAndOM capitalization is reCOGnized MORe and more.

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Hopefully Donald will be to busy covering his tracks and ass from Russia and leave the VA alone.

This is the moment Trump became President