Discussion: New Report Unearths Jeb Bush's Politically Fraught Financial Dealings

His fucking name is BUSH. That’s a bigger problem than this.

You win the thread.

All you jealous hippies could be rich like Jeb, but you aren’t willing to work as hard at being a Bush as he is.

Ignore the greed, incompetence, criminality, banality, swaggering pride and low-brow intellect. He’s a Bush and will be given a pass.

That would be his best quality!!!

I bet Bush, like Mitt, will also have problems when he releases his tax returns, or refuses to.

Isn’t it Neil Bush that runs the FCAT company?

Well, see…that precedent has already been set. Romney did it, make a big deal about it, and suffered no real impact because of it. Sure he lost the election, but that can be attributed to so many other factors. You can expect republicans to refuse to release their tax returns from now on.

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Yes,Neil is the one who was selling FCAT.

There is another Bush brother that the family kept under wraps for years because of his inability to speak without using corrosive amounts of profanity: Marvin.

Yes…there were lots of Nazi sympathizers in industry back then, however. Ford even received a medal in his honor from the Nazis. There was very real concern of Fascism taking hold within this country back then.

When you consider how many of the Fortune 500/1000, world wide, made fortunes during WWII, and you accept the premise that Fascism is the state controlled by corporate interests, a pretty interesting argument can be made that the corporations won the war, not democracies. Just go through a list of major German international corporations for example…Seimens, Porsche, Damiler Benz, Volkswagen, Lufthanza…all we seriously in league with the Nazi’s. Volkswagen and Lufthanza both owe their birth to the Nazis.

Yes, yes, but does he drive around town with a shitting dog on the roof of his car?

Yeah, I’m remembering that there were a couple of other Bush brothers with very shady financial dealings back in the 80s. (Jeb’s dealings are unpalatable, but I have no reason to think they are shady. These others definitely were.) One of them was involved with a failed savings & loan in the west or midwest – Silverado, I think? And another was involved in some suspect real estate deals in Florida – go a huge loan to buy some property, forced the s&l that loaned it to them to write it down when property values collapsed, and were able to secure full ownership of the property for pennies on the dollar. And now one of those same brothers is involved in hawking educational software that I believe brother Jeb arranged for Florida schools to buy. And I think mother Bar made some huge donation in the wake of Hurricane Katrina (and/or Rita) that had to be used to purchase her son’s software.

Just high-class grifters, those folks.

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Philip Roth even wrote an alternative history along that line, The Plot Against America, in which Charles Lindbergh (who also had Nazi sympathies) won the 1940 presidential election on a non-interventionist platform. Chilling.

The list of bad Bush business dealings is unending. It even delves into business dealings with the bin Ladens.

Check out this story from Salon which ties in the bin Laden money to Bush:

The White House declined to answer these questions. However, the same document that was redacted by the White House had been the subject of a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Marty Heldt, who was investigating the story before the 2000 presidential election. In the same document that the White House selectively censored for release to the public, the name of the man who was also suspended with Bush is clearly printed. His name: James R. Bath.

Thanks, I’ll check that out. Mother Jones had a very good article back at the time of the dealings I was talking of.

The Repubs got to run someone. Romney is more than willing to take on the humiliation and JebBush may be ready to.
They have no one that is just a political hack, is the oh so conservative thing. All of their great white hopes are money grubbing scumbags masquerading as politicians so as to be on the inside of the grift.

The constitution should have mentioned something about the separation of high finances and state too.

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