And so the bitch slapping commences…
“New Poll Shows Clinton Surging To 15-Point Lead Nationwide.”
Trump’s cratering so badly, NASA’s begun naming lunar landmarks after him.
Donnie has her right where he wants her.
I have to admit that I’ll sleep better when this election is solidly in Hillary’s pocket.
It’s so important to get some sanity back into the Supreme Court.
Crush. That. Fly!
I’ll give it a hard number: I’ll sleep well when Trump is firmly averaging 35% or below. Its about more than just winning, I think this cancer on our democracy has to be stopped here and now and decisively.
Bounce aside, I think we’re starting to see the impact of Clinton’s strength as a General Election candidate. She is stronger than Obama 2012 among white women and college educated white voters. In addition, the influx of younger white men under the age of 45 to the Democratic ticket, many of whom were Bernie voters, is making it mathematically impossible for Trump to dominate white voters at the margins he needs to have a shot at winning.
Can’t we just vote today and get it over with? Seriously, keep working Dems. If the rest of US got a taste of unified government, California style, I don’t think they’d ever go back.
It’s not about her strength.
Clinton voters:
Voting *for Clinton - 57
Voting *against Trump - 40
Trump voters:
Voting *for Trump - 36
Voting *against Clinton - 57
We’re just lucky that Trump is Trump.
You go girl! woot woot!
Slow and steady, no over confidence this early on. It’s going to be a long hard slug against the bullshxt and idiocy thrown out there by the ignorants on the right.
BTW, this crap that Trump is spewing about the elections being rigged? He got that from the Bernie Sanders crowd… Again, thanks Bernie!
Wow I don’t think Obama ever led Romney by double digits in 2012. Correct me if I’m wrong
I was going to write, “No way this holds through November.” But who knows!?? At this point, only the debates are game-changers, and I’m convinced he won’t debate. He’s already laying the groundwork. And won’t that be a moment. Hillary, if she has a lick of sense, should say, “I’ll be there, ready to take questions. I hope he will be too.” Then show up on stage, fully prepared, and take questions for 90 minutes. It would be a mic-dropping moment. She’d likely hit 60%.
I’d rather give her three months to run up the score. Let’s hope the House falls as well.
But god, it would be nice to get this election over with. So the next one can start November 9th. Ugh.
Exactly. I keep my fingers crossed 24/7 that Trump doesn’t just quit the campaign early like Perot
Great polls. Love it. But, we cannot take anything for granted. This is still going to be a turn out campaign, and GOTV is crucial. Our side cannot get lazy and complacent. GOTV!
Okay, I’m smiling and sure not surprised, but…
I won’t get complacent. We need to retake the Senate and gain some House seats.
Go, Hillary!
Clinton led Trump 93-2 among black voters
Trump: Wow! I now have more than one African Ameican as mine.
Wouldn’t that be great?