Discussion: New Iraq Operation To Go Nameless

Discussion for article #226142

Baier says this like it’s important. Fox News makes you stupid.

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Clearly by saying it has no name they’re referring to Eastwood’s character.

So if people really need a name, call it “Eastwood”, “Spaghetti”, or “Blondie”.

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GOOD. I’ve had enough “Operation [Macho Name To Make It Sound Like a Video Game]” to last me a goddamned lifetime. So have, for example, 100,000 Iraqis. Despite what the Codpiece and Darth Cheney claimed, it’s not a f#ckin’ video game.


Yes, nothing is too small to escape the microscopic power of Fox Not the News’s Category Five BitchForce™.

Here are some of their past complaints:

1.     Fox and Friends and the New York Post bitch about the President’s use of a paper clip on his jobs program. F&F said it looked ‘cheap.’ (Sept 13, 2011)

2.     Fox and Friends say thatal-Qaeda’s number two is dead but is the U.S. any safer? (August 30, 2011)

  1. Fox and Friends echoes the comment of the Fat Junkie that
    the president was hoping Hurricane Irene was going to be a dis aster. (August 30,

(Damn…this thing will not listen to me and keeps saying this is 1 not 3.)

Actually, boys it’s called Operation Grumble About my Burger

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If it has a name like Operation Crybaby Fox. right-wingers will scream in fury.

Like the weather channel and winter storms, this is opening up the door for FOX to start naming them…

first up: “Operation Distraction From The IRS Scandal.”


So the Pentagon staff are finally acting like adults?


Latest Iraq Operation To Go Nameless
(like it never happened)

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But I want to hear all about MEGAFORCE #1: SUPER AWESOME RAIN OF FIRE!!

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OPeration ILLegaL faKE KEnyan PResident FrauGHT with USURPery Tries TO coVER his BUTtocks wITH Political ChicaNERy. A TRUE HawK CHIcken!!!1one!!!1!1!!!


Well, here’s another thing for Lindsey to get his panties in a bunch about on MTP this weekend. Because clearly, by failing to call this “OPERATION: CRAB LICE” or “OPERATION: BLOODY GUTS” or “OPERATION: RAGING GONADS,” or the like, Obama is signaling weakness and lack of resolve to our adversaries and insulting Our Brave Fighting Men and Women.


Operation “Better now than never” would have fit quite nicely though.

Operation “Beej mans up and enlists” would be even better.

Found your balls yet, chickenhawk?


Operation Goddamnit Here We Go Again.


NeoCONs won’t have anything to scream out when they’re having a wargasm.

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Nameless? That’s unAmerican! That must prove conclusively that Obama is a secret Muslim who supports the ISIS agenda.

It must!

What about trading cards? WILL THERE BE TRADING CARDS?!


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Heheheh… Blondie!

Can I trade for the Iraqi 10th Army. Please please please?

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