Discussion: 'Never Happened': Hannity Disputes Report That Trump Called To Sell Him On Deal

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So, you did an about-face all on your own, huh?

Start at 1:03


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It seems the key point to nail down is whether Hannity got a call (calls) from any Trump aides to get him on board. Even the NYT article is not clear on this and when it gets regurgitated elsewhere as Trump himself calling Hannity then Hannity’s denial could be both truthful (i.e., Trump didn’t call him) and an avoidance of the key action (i.e., WH called Hannity to get his backing).


Never in my life do I remember so many incompetents getting so much attention. Beginning with Trump and all his Fox stooges. They know nothing. Coulter is vicious but not stupid, the rest “make them go away.” Then there’re the Trump aides, including family members, who don’t deserve national attention. Whew 22 more months and they will all go back to their deserved realm of stupidity and incompetence and we won’t hear from them, one hopes.

the headline and the article don’t match. The headline said he denied Trump called him; the article said he denied Trump aides called him. Has he in fact denied that Trump or a family member called him directly? This article doesn’t say!