Discussion: Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy's Son Jailed After Allegedly Resisting Arrest

Resisting arrest? Why didn’t he get gunned down, like proper law enforcement does?

Oh, wait…


Realize that is the second of his son’s arrested. His other son is going to jail in Vegas.


The bail should be set at exactly the amount that Cliven and his Welfare Cows are currently in debt to We The People for…


Anyone taking over-under on when one of the Bundys kills somebody?

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Two in the head. Six in the chest. DON’T RESIST ARREST.

(just like Mike Brown)


I’m thinking more of a scenario where one of the Bundys gets mouthy with one of the “Oathkeepers” or the “Praetorian Guard”, along the lines of “don’t you KNOW who I am??”, and gets a slug in his chest for his trouble.

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Clint Eastwood should direct a movie like that!


Its about fucking time that spawn was arrested. I’m all against police brutality. In this case…uh, not so much.

Now its time to snag the big fish, daddy-dearest. I hear wire coat hangers work great.


I can just hear this doofus yelling, “Don’t taze me bro”. Oh, how I’d like to throw a cleated shoe at this idiot.


Was Bristol Palin throwing punches too?

He wasn’t shot. Another case of white privilege.


Handsome dude!!!

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Poor guy, someone stepped on his face.

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I am right with you

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You beat me to it. LOL

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If you look at other candid photos of him on the web, it is clear that he has a facial paralysis.

No surprise that half his face might be under paralysis, what with the constant stream of toxicity he’s been subjected to in that family.

Someone had fun playing with the photo booth application on their iMac.

He doesn’t look alike anyone I’ve ever seen that “resisted arrest”. There’s no swollen, blackened eyes, no blood, no facial bruises and contusions, no missing teeth, …

Showing his scorn for the legal system of the UnConstitutional government, I suppose.