Discussion: Neo-Nazi Website Founder Must Return To US For 'Troll Storm' Lawsuit

He’s not out of the country. He’s probably sleeping on someone’s couch waiting for this to blow over because he thinks he’s found a loophole in the system: Just ignore the court and it goes away.

If he was out of the country, he wouldn’t have to hide which country he’s in. Plus, the idea that a wannabe Nazi White Supremacist Trump Supporter could easily move to the Philippines, Greece, and Cambodia, while offering to meet in Cuba or Venezuela is a joke. He’s mocking the judge and is going to learn the hard way that society isn’t a hoax and actions have repercussions.


Sort of like the consequences Ammon Bundy suffered for conducting an armed seizure of a Federal facility, trashing it and protected Native American cultural artifacts, and refusing to vacate the premises when so ordered? Those kind of consequences?

Genetically superior… hahaha.

Scared any kids lately?


he took up residency in the Philippines sometime before 2010, moved to Greece in 2013 and then moved to Cambodia four days before Tanya Gersh sued him in 2017.

You would think his FSB handlers could put him up in better surroundings.
I guess it shows what a lightweight he actually is and how much they “value” him.


No because nobody sued Amon. He got charged and then the jury found him not guilty. Totally different set of facts.

He should return to step-Mother Russia.


I think they all should. Too bad Richard Spencer’s Russian wife divorced him - it would made it easy as pie for him to self-deport.


I have worked full time my entire life since leaving college and couldn’t afford to travel and live in 3 different countries.


Anglin in doing it wrong

I bet you pay your taxes, too.


darn right I do. Something about living in the same town with educated kids instead of letting them run wild in the streets for the first 18 years of their lives. Although I must say those streets do have major pot holes in spite of me pay local, state, and federal taxes for over 30 years…


That guy set up a Neo-Nazi website, collected from his followers and then skipped out on taxes. Like Trump, they should get him for tax evasion on top of all the wire fraud and hate related offenses he should be held responsible for.


Everyone loses,” Randazza wrote.

Hmmm… sounds more like your client wins given he won’t have to pay anything under this scenario.


Me too…those were questions…

One of Anglin’s attorneys, Marc Randazza, said in a text message Monday that his client has made it clear to him and to the court that he won’t return to the U.S. Randazza said he expects that Anglin would “willingly” accept a default judgment against him before returning to the U.S. for a deposition by Tanya Gersh’s attorneys from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“The end result of that will be that the SPLC will get a piece of paper, my client will pay nothing and there won’t even be a decision on the legal merits, at least clarifying the law. Everyone loses,” Randazza wrote.

Oh I don’t know. A default judgement against your client seems like he loses bigly.

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This “cartoon” was stolen from the comments of this pretty astounding John Oliver bit on mobile homes. One of the most astounding things I learned is that Buffet’s Hathaway owns Clayton homes. I thought he was supposed to be a more decent guy than this seems to makes him out to be. The revised ad at the end is funny as hell yet so cruel! Watching it makes me wonder if what it points out is why I see a lot of RVs in trailer parks these days.

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Oh I’m sure the Kochs, Foster Fries and the Mercers provided the start up funds for L’il Awful Andy!


Haven’t you wondered why all the members of the “Master Race” look like such losers?


Little pussy bitch. (Please excuse the language, completely warranted in this case.)


Has a distinct Cormac McCarthy ring to it.