“Blame on both sides” doesn’t hold up as well when they have telegraphed their intentions via social media prior to any event. Of course, if you are a pathetic human being like POTUS it doesn’t matter, because any POS who praises and supports him is automatically a fine person.
Trump is not the problem here. If there is justice in the world, he will end up trying to assert his relevance from jail, with outbursts that make Norma Desmond look stable. His post WH life will be pathetic.
Instead, we need to make the concept of “personal responsibility” real–not the bludgeon that conservative losers use on everyone but themselves.
When ice cubes come from Hell.
The League of the South is a white nationalist and white supremacist organization, headquartered in Killen, Alabama, which states that its ultimate goal is “a free and independent Southern republic”. It was founded in 1994.
Among the founding members were Thomas Fleming, Thomas Woods, Grady McWhiney, Clyde Wilson, and Forrest McDonald.
Can’t they maybe just park a van in the desert and blast ‘Caribbean Queen’?
According to the DHS, its is the ‘antifa’ who are ‘domestic terrorists’, apparently.
One thing we need to remember from HISTORY is how Hitler manipulated the press and the population by creating and managing running-battles in the streets between the SA and the Communists/Trade Unions/leftists.
He knew from his failed 1922 Putsch that outright armed revolt would fail as it did not have the support of the populace so he details in “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) how he will “turn the population in his favor” by frightening them with unrest.
He carefully staged street confrontations with the Communists and Trade Unions specifically to create a climate of fear and unrest (and to get the local Police on his side) so he could position himself as the “Law and Order” candidate. Once the battles began they took on a life of their own and he no longer needed to be involved, letting the SA manage the carnage and positioning himself “above” the unrest.
It worked and in 1932 he was elected to the Bundestag. The rest is of course, history.
Nixon also used public unrest to great effect in both his 68 and especially in his 1972 election campaigns. I remember the clashes between the Union “Hard Hats” and the Anti-War protesters in 71 and 72. He managed these events to help win a huge portion of the country over to his “Law and Order” campaign to great effect by having the FBI and Military Intelligence place agitators among the Anti-War protesters so the “Hard Hats” could wade in and “Break some heads” and the police and National Guard could claim they were just “restoring peace”. It all frightened the populace into giving Nixon one the biggest electoral victories in US history.
So they embrace violence, eh? All of their members need to be publicly identified. I mean names and addresses.
Since they are a clear and present danger to everyone in society that isn’t a Republican racist POS. I also think “concerned citizens” who “fear for their lives” should exercise their 2nd Amendment remedies on these filthy sub-human creatures.
So maternal grandfathers.
This reminds me of Putin’s strategy in Ukraine–fuck w/ elections, fund and arm a force to destabilize the country from the inside, exploit weak points in the culture(in US case race relations), bribe politicians. Is Putin, through the GOP and white evangelicals trying to start a US civil war? For real? Is this really happening or should I make a tinfoil hat?
To become a “former felon”, don’t you have to have your conviction overturned?
“Tubbs, a former felon and Ku Klux Klan member”
Dollars to donuts he’s boinking one of “these younger troops.”
For sure. Probably more than a couple are invited back to his trailer for late night meth and politcial discourse. Oh, and he calls his trailer a clothing optional chill space…lol
Nothing scarier than a college kid glitter bombing an ATM.
Give me a time machine so I can go back and kneecap John W Booth.
“…forces of history…” ?
I disavow and disapprove of their rhetoric and tactics.
when they achieve self awareness
and that isn’t happening
"…Tubbs, a former felon and Ku Klux Klan member …"
Only the “best people” support donnie.
So, who started swinging first. The fascist Antifa. Who all got arrested beside the despicable driver that mowed down people after his car was attacked? Oh, Atnitfa, the peaceful arm of the Soros Inc. and the DNC. So-called liberal progressives are neither liberal nor progressive. THEY want to control how YOU speak, think, and act; i.e., how YOU live. But those rules are not for THEM. THEY are 'do as I say, not as I do, fascist regressives; to wit: antifa.