“Sez who ? Sez who ?”
Dear Senator Nelson,
I can see you haven’t been to Florida in a long, long time. Hope you like bananas!
Ken in MN.
“…but they’re working on it!”
‘This Is Not A Third World Dictatorship’
Prove it.
Remember, the Republicans incessant lawsuits and court challenges kept Al Franken from being seated in the Senate until JULY 2009.
Right after the Nov. 2008 election, Republican Norm Coleman led by 255 votes.
In the end, after EIGHT MONTHS of lawsuits and recounts the MN Supreme Court halted all lawsuits and demands by the Republicans and certified Al Franken as the winner of the election by 312 votes.
Now, this was in “squeaky clean” Minnesota. I can’t imagine how ugly and protracted this will become in FLOR-EH-DUH!
Is another Brooks-Brothers Riot in the brewing? Another unconstitutional 5-4 SCOTUS order to STOP THE VOTE COUNTING?
We shall see…
The fact that you can post here without being arrested, tortured, and killed by the authorities?
Trump : “You mean they are just now finding votes in Florida and Georgia – but the Election was on Tuesday?”
Trump, having very little previous exposure to voting, is surprised that vote totals are not ready by Tuesday at midnight.
And if it weren’t for Al, Jeff Sessions would not have recused himself!
I’m still mad about Al getting thrown under the bus for sheer bullshit.
Brenda Snipes was appointed by Jeb! in 2003. Does anyone know when Broward County finished counting votes in Scott’s two governor races? I’m guessing it probably took about the same amount of time in those elections as now.
In response to Senator Nelson’s claim that the United States isn’t a 3rd World dictatorship, Trump stated: “it will be soon, if I have any say in it.”
He has very little say. That’s why he’s losing his shit.
Join the club, however, his replacement Tina Smith ran a really, REALLY GOOD campaign and kicked the Republican’s ass all over the state.
She has turned out to be another truly excellent Senator and now we have TWO excellent Senators in Tina and Amy Kloubuchar.
Yay! I’m so happy about that. Really this election gets better every day.
Yes, Scott is workin’ the refs.
Perhaps that’s nice for me, but the proof I want is for Scott et al. not to get away with what they intend. If you remember the final vote count[*] in Florida in 2000, then you know what I mean.
[*] And I’m not talking about ballots.
Psst Scott, Kris Kobach has time on his hands !
Maybe not guns.