Discussion: NC Guv Scrambles To Undo Damage From New Law But Leave Anti-Gay Part Intact

Miss Kitty makes house calls, I guess such an embargo wouldn’t affect me.

They wrote this law to please their God then their real god, money, reared his expensive head!

Damn now what will I jack off to?

If you knew the law was faulty, why did you sign it?

“I understand there is some confusion and objection to this law. Thus, I have undertaken to revise and clarify the law in a manner which utterly fails to address the objectionable aspects.”

Yes, dear governor, that should take care of it.


“When I signed the bill, I knew there would have to be corrections in
this bill. And I had raised some objections, first of all, to some of
the things in the bill that we should have waited for long session, or
for the short session. And I also informed some people that we had some
issues, especially with the state court. My lawyer — my chief legal
counsel had expressed concern,” he said.

Well fscking $#%%#@% why did you sign the thing? You could have vetoed it and saved yourself a lot of trouble. That is, if you’re not completely lying your face off right now.

Oh, and also, in response to

Why yes, that’s precisely what it means. For some reason these knuckleheads seem completely unaware of the existence of f2m transexuals. Or (as someone argued a while back, they are just so completely freaked out by the fact that they might look at someone who is not a chromosomal woman and think she’s hot that everything else pretty much goes by the board.)

As someone pointed out in the WaPo discussion, the NC legislators just decided that this person should be in the bathroom with their wives and daughters:


There aren’t any examples…as was we know. But was this law, which has so much more in it, needed to stop that from happening? No. It was already illegal in NC to harass or attack in a bathroom. It was already illegal to pose as a man to enter a woman’s room. So no, they did not need it in the legislation. It was put there because no one would disagree with it and the rest of the shit in the bill could ride in under that cover.


I agree that both of these laws are part of the same agenda, which is to crap on the non-wealthy and “the other” – and I’m glad you brought up the other law because it’s not getting as much press, which is not good. We need to keep bringing up this issue. However, I disagree that one is more important than the other.


"When I signed the bill, I knew there would have to be corrections in this bill. "

Next on the agenda: North Carolina legislature decides anti-gay bill didn’t go far enough.

That was great…

Usually a Governor sends the bill back for revision. It’s doubtful Gov. McCrory would mention the need for changes if the shit hadn’t hit the fan. I’m pretty comfortable saying the guy was cool with the bill in its original draft and became uncool with it as soon as he felt the political heat. He’s a real maggot.

But note to the media. This bill is a 100 % North Carolina GOP’er product. It’s as pure as they come so stop letting the leader of the NC GOP blame it on others.

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Chuck Todd: “Governor McCrory, will you cite one arrest, one filed complaint, one allegation anywhere in the nation leveled by a woman or girl, stating they were harassed, molested, fondled or raped by a man posing as transgender as a ruse to gain entry to a woman’s bathroom?”

Pat McCrory: “Uh, no, Chuck, I can’t. But some say it could happen. Possibly maybe in the future.”

Chuck Todd, turning to camera: “Well there you have it, folks, Governor Pat McCrory with the forceful rebuttal of the hysteria over this well-intended piece of legislation. Join us next week as former Vice President Dick Cheney, Senator John McCain, Liz Cheney, and Frank Gaffney on how Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy means that ISIS will soon be decapitating your children on the streets of your town.”

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And then the Governor let out a long, exasperated sigh and stared at the floor, “I really am shocked at the level of opposition to this bill, frankly, I am surprised at how many people do not understand that as Christians, we need someone to project our fears and hate on. I mean, you took away the Blacks, the Latinos, it was nice when there were Commie countries cause that was easy, but c’mon now, it’s just gay people, I mean, if we can’t project on them, whose left? How’s a good pastor to keep his flock in order and obeying him if he can’t point to some person and say fear them, for God commands you to? I mean, if you look at it from that point of view then clearly Christians are the ones being discriminated against. And now you got these companies leaving the state, PayPal and others, all for the Gays. It’s terrible.” After a brief pause he looked up and said in the tone of a defeated man, “And Springsteen. Damn, didn’t see that one coming.”


It was the same law. And it basically disempowers municipalities from doing much of anything, about which a number of GOP legislators gloated, saying “Dillon’s Rule!”

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Yup, I saw this movie in Indiana and, so far, it’s the same script.

Partial cave…check. Full cave, maybe by Friday?


Well, aside from how the bill is so similar to ones being introduced nearly simultaneously in other GOP states…

Once again, doubling down on the parts of the law that are being specifically cited as reasons businesses are pulling out of your state, while bragging about fixing other things people were less worried about…

How’s that shit sammich, Guvnah?