Discussion: NC GOP Candidate Skeet Shoots Dem Positions In This Wild Campaign Ad

Well of course, that’s part of American history now. Probably one of the questions on a citizenship test.


Plaid-clad mien-hood

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More proof that for a large segment of the White American Male population a GUN is nothing more than a Penile Extension that they can wave around in public (without getting arrested) to PROVE what a “MAN” they are.



Bullshit! you have plenty of folks living off the land, shooting all their food and anybody that gets in their way…granted many moved there from NC!

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No we have plenty more where he came from…unfortunately. I think several where I work looking in the parking lot at all the other big things these guys seem to need, trucks, don’t tread on me front plates, and sticker on their bumper and rear window advertising their hunting gear and gun brands.

My dad died recently, we found boxes of old trophies, patches and whatnot from his days shooting trap. As kids we tagged along on Tuesday and Thursday nights to watch him shoot. When he shot those targets they turned into a fine black mist. Not saying this dude was actually the one hitting them, but who ever it was wasn’t doing a very good job of it. Those large chunks mean they are just barely hitting them. And who the hell shoots trap with a sling on their gun? If you’re going to do a gun nut ad you should at least do it correctly.

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“If I ran my business like they run Washington, I’d be broke or in jail,” he adds, speaking over video of him solemnly nodding at a construction worker.

Ironically enough, this is exactly how his hero, Trump, runs his business. And his Foundation, his University, his Casino, and the Presidency. And, yes, soon enough, he will be in broke and in jail if there’s any justice.


I TOLD you we have some ‘strangeness’ up here…but mostly we make them live over in the EASTERN sides…then they btch about all those LIBERALS over in the western half in the cities but since we FUND their rights with our tax dollars they tend to simmer down…

Ahh so similar to CA’s north south difference?

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Everybody in North Carolina obese?

Also, trap is not skeet and hanging a sling on a shotgun is an affront.

Still, I prefer Jonathan Winters’ Hefty Bag ad where he makes the motions of racking a shotgun, aiming and firing it at trash bags which thereupon explode.

I blame Rudy Russo. It all started with him.

Who’s your overcompensating daddy?

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When you can only ejaculate from your shotgun, you run for Congress as a rethuglican.