They didn’t “correct their mistake.” They deleted the tweet. Correcting the mistake would have been giving an apology.
Honduras…isn’t that next door to that beautiful country Brussels?
What clown car: Trump doesn’t know what Brexit is, thinks Scotland was happy with the Brexit vote, mixes of Tom Keane and Tim Kaine (NJ and VA).
It is absolutely chilling to think of this guy trying to make policy decisions, especially when the ghost writer of his book, Art of the Deal, said HIS biggest challenge was getting Trump to focus for more than about 3 minutes…on anything.
Weapons grade stupid I think
Thanks for letting us correct our mistake.
You have a very large number of much more egregious mistakes that you need to correct. I’d suggest that you get started and not waste your time and ours trying to play “gotcha”.
What a bunch of maroons.
I am in NC and doing EVERYTHING possible to get these idiots out of control before they embarrass us with more lawsuits defending hateful legislation, drive away more jobs, interfere even more with elections. etc. Endless damn list Go home to your dinosaur caves.
Remember how outraged they were 8 years ago when Obama gave a speech in front of a Cuban flag that turned out to be the flag of Texas.
Beat me to it.
wearing a flag plan from another country sparks outrage…your nominee asking a foreign country to hack the u.s. aah no big deal
Why do republicans have this sorry knack of always wanting to believe the worst about someone?
They really need to have a little conversation with themselves and try to figure this out, because it’s severely and negatively impacted their worldview.
Sad,sad bunch.
They didn’t correct their mistake. The NYT corrected it for them. All they did was not argue they were wrong.
Which, for Rethuglicans, is what passes for commendable - I guess.
It is nice to know the NC GOP was watching, too bad they weren’t paying attention.
I hate to think what the maroons would have said had that been a gold star family pin. Russian? North Korean?
What an idiot, it’s not even the same color as the Honduras flag! But as Trump goes, so goes the Republican party…fact free zone as usual.
cause they are too damn busy watching what bathroom everyone uses
If this is the worst thing Kaine does/did, well, I can live with it.
So patriotic, there, NC GOP. Not even an apology to Senator Kaine, his family – or to the many other American families who wear the symbol. Why do you people hate America so much?
You find fault with his wearing it ?
apologize…that is so for losers