Discussion: NC Asks SCOTUS To Halt Appeals Court Ruling Striking Down Voting Restrictions

Take back NC from the assholes.


The motion argues that the state faces logistical issues in following the appeal’s court ruling ahead of November’s election.

"Lordy, my gawd, how we gonna handle all these niggers!?!?!"

Any SC experts here?

Sure, they can appeal but will the SC even hear this appeal this late in the year?


After yesterday’s debacle of a SC stay, specifically NC of all places see oportunity to get what they can begore a dem geys to fill the open seat.

If it helps the cause of hurting dems in the general and getting a Repuke onto the bench, of course they would make this play…

They only need a stay…

If they can fix the 2016 election repubs will replace scalia and then the SC will continue to protect repubs.


Someone tell NC that Scalia is dead.


what they’re hoping for is that Justice Breyer will provide a ‘courtesy stay’ and allow the election rules to stay in place for this election…



Tarheel GOP getting a tad nervous about the election? Ya think?

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I just have one response:

Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama.

You know, he was a Professor teaching Constitutional Law at the prestigious University of Chicago Law School, before his political career. I don’t know of anyone more qualified for this job. And the job is still open.


The bigots just won’t go away.


Court to NC: you targeted black voters with almost “surgical precision.” Stoppit.
NC to Court: please can we keep doing it a little more? Please?

I’d love to hear what the Supreme Court Justices who voted against the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County have to say.


Please, please let us discriminate!

How else do you expect us to win?


Holy Mother of God that’s going to hurt.

We are back to the usual course of events before the Voting Rights Act was enacted;

  1. Pass an illegal discriminatory law
  2. Fight it in the courts until after the election.
  3. The law is overturned after the election
  4. Pass a new, slightly different law
  5. Repeat every election cycle

The pre-clearance clause of the VRA prevented this discrimination. It is why it was targeted by the reactionary right.


“It is working out as expected.”


The state said the appeals court’s decision to overturn a district court’s ruling in favor of North Carolina was “unprecedented” and “presents serious federalism concerns as it impairs the right of North Carolina to adopt reasonable rules governing the time, place, and manner of elections.”

LOL. Really, now – “unprecedented,” you say? I’m glad to be the one to break this to you, GOP Anti-Americaners, but making rulings on cases before it – well, that’s kind of what appeals courts do. Now, what might seem odd to you is the fact that you’re not getting your way – that’s the unprecedented part. Get used to it.


That would be cool, but I’m sure he doesn’t want it. I think there’s a lot he wanted to do as president, but felt constrained as the first African-American president.

I’d rather have him outside the Supreme Court, fighting for racial Justice and other such things, and let a democratically appointed Supreme Court Justice do what they need to from that end. Having anybody in there to replace Scalia will do that job.

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I hope this motion is summarily denied in an unsigned order tomorrow morning. If the SCOTUS wants to grant a stay, so be it.

These are horrible human beings.

If Scalia was still there, I think they’d have a shot. Thankfully that MFer is dead.

I also not that being able to name Scalia’s replacement and having a senate that will confirm said replacement is, in my not so humble opinion, the BIGGEST reason why Dems, progresives, and left-leaning independents need to show up in droves in every state to vote for HRC and the down ballot Dems.