Discussion: NBC Suspends Brian Williams For Six Months

Discussion for article #233119

Once again, a serious black guy has to come in and clean up the mess made by the goofy white guy.


Why didn’t they just fire him?

Two of the youtube subscriptions I have had a “former NBC exec” explaining how they should go about making the effort to keep him.

I’ve never trusted him, ever.

In six months they’ll be saying “Brian who?” and it’ll be time for a replacement. He can’t go back because it would generate its own kind of distracting chatter,

Wow. What an idiot.

Williams lies about his experiences on the periphery of the Iraq War, severely damages his credibility, kills nobody, and gets suspended for 6 months.

The Cheney Administration lied to drag many nations INTO the Iraq fiasco, is directly responsible for thousands and thousands of totally unnecessary deaths, permanently damages the credibility of the office of the President…

and Dick skates away with $30 million in Halliburton stock.

What a country.


Now NBC gathers the available facts?



Is NBC sure? Shouldn’t they bring in some more ex-generals who don’t mention they work for the Pentagon? They had no problem when Williams was OK with all that lying, so why is this a problem?


Six months should give Brian some time to think about what he’s done. Romancing the war.


It might cost NBC $50 million to fire him, unless they can say he violated the terms of his contract by lying.
He is damaged goods. He should just slither away into the night, like Dan Rather did.


It was not NBC that called out this liar. It was the men and women who were risking their lives for their country who finally said “enough.”

That is the most damning thing about Williams conduct. He was allowed, nay, he was encouraged by late night show hosts and the network executives who booked him on these programs to steal their agony as his own. Those that labored under extraordinary circumstances were shuffled off to the side and the celebrity anchor person became the hero of their struggles.

Six months of probation and self-introspection does not come anywhere near the purgatory these troops endured. Don’t cry for our failed Iraqi war. Cry because our corporate media did not question any of it and still attempt to glorify our nation invading the wrong country for all the wrong reasons. The troops get it. They got it. They will live with it till the day they die.

Embedded media leads to lies. Never again, NBC?


NBC is a joke at this point. David Gregory was convinced that the media did nothing in the lead-up to the war or the coverage of the war and got rewarded with a gig at Meet The Press. When the viewing public got a full dose of Gregory, and turned away in disgust, only then did NBC shitcan him. Williams’ told misleading stories (which I still think is entirely understandable) for YEARS, and NBC did nothing to verify whether their brand name was accurate, because IT DIDN’T MATTER ONE WHIT IF IT GOT RATINGS.

But now? NOW? What a load of crap.

Somewhere, Dick Cheney is snickering at his good fortune.


this gives nbc some breathing room. it gets williams out of the headlines; if he’d been fired, it’d be another week’s worth of stories. lester holt gets some time to try it out; or they can test out others. and enough time elapsed by six months that the public won’t give a shit (even less than they do now) and the replacement is announced. williams won’t be back.

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And I’ll just suspend NBC News permanently at this point.

From the cheerleading for the war, the refusal to admit the role that the media played in launching said war, to not ever verifying what the most prominent newsperson in the network was saying ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE, for hiring Russert’s son who had little experience to justify said hiring…etc.

FU NBC News. The organization is now a disgrace.


This is a whitewash. This Iraq story is only the tip of Williams’ lying iceberg. In these 6 months I guarantee we will find out that he also lied during his Katrina coverage and other stories. And speaking of Katrina, when will the Peabody and DuPont Columbia committees start their own investigations to find out if Williams fabricated the Katrina “body floating” stories that won him those awards?


Well, that’s peanuts to an organization as huge as NBC.

And FWIW, Dan Rather told the truth and was crucified for it.


Meanwhile, the Band of Liars over at FauxSnooze plays happily on, sans accountability…


and that people like brokaw were apparently aware of the exaggerations and lies and advised williams to knock it off. this doesn’t do alot for brokaw either – a company man till the end. but now that has backfired in a huge hit at nbc’s credibility.

So many of our institutions have let us down in this country. Williams’ deplorable conduct is just one minor symptom of a much more corrupt system of government that has been allowed to operate freely without any accountability and the merest attempts at reform. We have to do better than just putting one disgraced anchorperson on probation.

I do humbly and truly thank the men and women of our armed forces again for coming to the aid of their country by calling out these lies. Sometimes it takes just one valiant person to tell the truth to put everything back into perspective again.

Cheney can hoist by his own petard. Once the truth begins to be told there is no stopping it. Why would anyone vote for a Bush again?


Who said it was NBC that called him out?

And sorry to burst your bubble, but those “men and women are risking their lives” for Halliburton and the oil industry–not for this country.

Iraq posed zero threat to the US.