Discussion: NBC News President Wants An Edgier 'Meet The Press'

pretty much the opposite now.

If those two never appear on MTP that would be a big plus. Bring on Rachel.

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We don’t need edgy. We need informative and multiple points of view.
Be nice to see, say, Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders once in a while.


Edgier! Really? How about asking actual questions instead of allowing the winger guests to repeat talking points unmolested? What a concept…


They want “edgy”? Dump the Toddler and hire Rachel Maddow instead…

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If NBC says “edgier”, they mean more hostile to Obama. UpChuck Toad has never hidden his outright disdain for the POTUS. Is he racist?

"adj. edg•i•er, edg•i•est.

  1. nervously irritable; anxious.
  2. sharp-edged.
  3. daringly innovative; on the cutting edge."

Yes on One ,No on Two.

So, Sunday’s show opened with a right wing radio host Mike Rogers, whose ilk got us into the mess we’re in in the Middle East talking about how weak President Obama is, check. A round table with no coherent representation of the left, check. In the middle of the show a 12 minute puff piece on serial plagiarist and racist Rand Paul, check-a-roonie. I think it’s right on the edge of cancellation.

Tired of the same people being moved around from show to show
surely there are some talented people out here new faces, new ideas…Chuck Todd nope…

This is an opportunity for NBC.

If they can turn this into a news making show instead of a talking points regurgitation process they can transform the whole Sunday Morning experience and finally drag the other networks, perhaps even Fox, into the new millennium.

They only have to seize this opportunity.

What do they have to lose?

At least Bill Hurt was good-looking.

Rock? That’s a great idea. They can draw in a younger audience with some rock and roll music for the intro and credits. Maybe The Eagles? Would Kool and the Gang be too edgy?

Sounds like beeg trouble for Moose and Squirrel.

Maybe, but he’s thinking of parting his comb-forward in the middle.

Edgy would be Rachel Maddow. Chuck Todd is silly putty.

Edgy talking heads… Hmmm

if they want “edgy” their last choice should have been Todd!

There’s already a network that does “edgy” “news” programs; it’s called Fox. We don’t need another; one lying SOS is enough.

Get a genuine variety of guests.
Don’t ask softball questions.
You’ll have plenty of edge.

OMG!, MTP goes from very bad to even worse. There must be some kind of virus of stupid going around NBC.

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