No, he’s a public no class idiot Trumper.
Know what’s really lucky for them? Your governor, Kate Brown, refusing to send your racist POS to do Trump’s dirty work.
The direct result of the diseased militia mind realizing it can get paid for its racism and hate.
He seems nice.
Is it any wonder why they aren’t showing us pictures of the concentration camps with folks like THIS working them?
Godwin said his law is in abeyance now. True story. Which is handy, because mass executions of non-combatants is really an Einsatzgruppen kind of thing.
On his 5th year and he’s still an E-3? Probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Now there is a true deplorable. Anyone who supports Trump is–anyone, whether it’s David Lynch or this dude. D-e-p-l-o-r-a-b-l-e. Hillary got it right.
Honestly, someone should do a welfare check on his family. I was going to say wife and kids but he sounds like 20ish white male with too much testosterone who thinks he’s god’s gift to this earth.
So much for taking an oath to uphold the Constitution. Trump wants to deny due process and this guy seems happy to oblige with on the spot executions.
“…will get some kind of punishment”? Really? How about just firing his a**!?
No expenses — still lives in mom’s basement.
Attitudes like this are oftener the result of LOW testosterone. Macho rage can be caused by sharp peaks and valleys. High and stable levels are calming.
Sorry so pedantic. But let’s not demonize the hormone. :-}
This guardsman probably was not schooled by his teachers and parents about the Cold War. Most people who grew up then were horrified by the likes of the Berlin Wall and the occasional person who was shot fleeing persecution.
As my mom said when Hillary made her comment, “The truth hurts.”
“They’re lucky we aren’t executing them.”
There is a touch of truth in there. Considering Trump and his recent comments about due process, it would be a natural extension of Trump policy.
Yeah, but he loves those monthly weekends away from the wife and kids.
Credible threat of violence, check.
Against a particular group with intent to intimidate, check.
If you can indict someone for trolling 4chan…
“An Oregonian national guardsman who left a violent comment about immigrants on an online fundraising page is now facing an unknown punishment”
Appointment to a high-level position in the Trump administration?