Discussion: Naked Donald Trump Statues Pop up In Cities Across The US

Here’s the ‘making of’ video. :smile:


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Great: now EVERYONE will want one. Surprised at how big the dingle is, but they do call it ART! I wonder who doubts the flabulous Trump calls it

Little Donald.

The official response is rather droll;
“NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”

For more photos;


Well that’s something you don’t see everyday.

…and be thankful that you don’t.

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Whose job was it to explain to Trump that, no, he shouldn’t release a naked pic of himself to prove what he really looks like? Willing to bet that some poor journalist is going to have bathing suit pics thrust upon them.

Trump’s campaign has declined to comment on the statues.
Surely "KatrinaMoment could say something about it . She IS their spokesperson . /s