Discussion: Nadler: Trump Has No Right To Executive Privilege on 'Evidence Of Wrongdoing'

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“Executive privilege cannot shield evidence of wrongdoing.
“That was made very clear by the 9-nothing decision of the Supreme
Court in the Nixon case where they ordered the tapes revealed, even
though those tapes were personal conversations with the president and
some of his advisers.”

That’s why Donnie meets with Putin, Lavrov, and Kislyak with no Americans present.


“Executive privilege cannot shield evidence of wrongdoing.

Also too, treason, batshittery and miscellaneous fuckery.


I guarantee that the NSA knows what was said in that conversation, but it is likely to not be revealed.


All the gum flapping hand ringing projection and speculation this is all I got
Keep on Rocking In the Free World


Why does Dana Bash have a job on a national news network?

On the network that has been permanently henpecked into bending over backwards to give the looney fringe right of the GOP “equal time” and helped elect Donald Trump?

And has given the callow son of Mario The Great Nothing Cuomo a national anchor without him earning it?


A document that totally exonerates Trump would be literally incredible. And that’s really the standard he’s made necessary. So I don’t see an option for him but to try executive privilege. He went for the emergency declaration, against a lot of good advice, for something far less dangerous to him.


Her local free weekly didn’t have an opening?


Thanks for that, haven’t heard it in a long time! :smiley:

If a claim of Executive Privilege blocks the release of the report, I think we might have dust off our made-for-walking shoes.


If that happens, here’s hoping for a bloody heart attack. King Dumb Dumb will resort to anything that will keep him in office and out of courts.


Given that the subject of the report is Donald J. Trump, his campaign and his associates, it must be brimming with accounts of behavior that if not illegal, is at best wildly unethical and inappropriate.


As for so much else these days, the decision will come down to the courts. Of course, even that would not be possible had we not taken back the house in the mid-terms. If not for that significant event, we would be in a very different place right now. I hope that people fully understand that, and turn out again in larger numbers for the 2020 election. That is still the most important step we can make in bringing sense back into our politics.


Our all having eyes and ears, that’s been a given since before November 2016


The insanity and cognitive dissonance only increases. We saw Russia attack our democracy with our own eyes. We already saw, on television, Trump encouraging Russia to do that. We all know that Trumpsters met with Russian agents with Trump’s knowledge. We know that Kushner was trying to set up a secret communication line–a collusion channel–using the Russian embassy’s fucking equipment.

So what did we do? We had the FBI “investigate” it and in effect suspended our belief in the obvious facts by donning this weird lens of “the process”. Trump then fires Comey and openly declares he did it to obstruct justice. That was still not enough to reach the requisite state of knowledge about what had happened, apparently. We stick with the “process” as if everything is still a mystery and appoint a Special Counsel. We sit back and wait for his report, with Congress and the MSM acting as if we know nothing yet and only Mueller is capable of knowing anything about what we all saw with our own eyes. Meanwhile Trump blatantly acts in accordance with Russian interests and not US interests, including denying the fact of a Russian attack, talking in secret with Putin, dismantling NATO, scrapping nuclear fucking arms treaties. None of that is investigated because Mueller is on the case.

Now it seems that Barr and Rosenstein, whom we know to be GOP hacks, will not disclose key portions of Mueller’s report (itself already narrowly focused on criminal procedure because of the DOJ “policies”. So all that waiting around and suspending judgment will now be followed by more waiting around and suspending judgment. Only “historians” will be capable of understanding what happened–as if knowledge of the Trump-Russia course of dealings is not already in our possession. Somehow, knowledge in relation to Trump must be a rarified, detailed kind of certainty that only Mueller is capable of having. And now we’re told that we can’t even know what Mueller knows, and a Republican Supreme Court will decide what must be disclosed. And we already know that even if the Trump Court rules for disclosure, the WH will not comply with the order just as it has not complied with the House’s requests for documents. Because we don’t have a real democracy in this country anymore. We just have the apparatus of democracy. That’s something else that everybody knows–see the recent Emergency Declaration–but that we’re all supposed to officially not know.

A total farce. The last act could still tilt our way, and we always have 2020. But a total farce nonetheless.


OK, there’s now a short article from Schiff, but the “Comments” aren’t an option.
Anyway, I don’t think Schiff should be second guessing Mueller at this point. What was Mueller going to do hog tie the slob and haul him in on a sled?


What would you see as the alternative?


I would say we need to gather those pair of shoes that don’t fit (but one day they will) and start doing the Iraqi shoe toss.


I may not have drunk enough covefee this AM but the things Mueller was investigating happened before Donald J. Trump raised his right hand and swore to defend the Constitution. How can he even claim executive privilege when he wasn’t President? As for things said and done after his oath then don’t they fall into the category of “no crimes can be papered over by invoking ‘executive privilege’”?