Discussion: Nadler Says Mueller's Public Hearing Will Have A 'Profound Impact'


How rude. You can sit by me.


Nadler handled that well. Stayed on message. What’s in the report is the smoking gun. You don’t need anything more.

The Mueller hearing will represent a passing of the baton from him to Congress. People will demand that Congress take action (as they have been for the past 4 months). Congress will not be able to avoid it. They’ll have to say ‘case closed’/shrug or they’ll have to open an impeachment inquiry.

Of course, Mueller could help matters enormously by saying in plain English what his report says in legalese: That there was tons of collusion but not enough evidence to indict for a crime because the Trump crew obstructed at every turn. Trump satisfied the elements of obstruction of justice and has passed the threshold to be considered for impeachment by Congress now and indicted/prosecuted for criminal obstruction of justice when he leaves office.


No one does know what will happen…

But isn’t it funny that doomsday pessimism seems to always sound like it’s coming from someone more authoritative?

Something more authoritative than your more accurate comment.


Yeah, like start a war in the Middle-East or some other outrageous move. That’s always a good way to distract, deflect and own the news cycle. Sadly, the legacy press will do just that, get knowingly distracted, even with full knowledge that this is trump’s particular MO, and feel it has an obligation to tend to another one of trump’s feeble attempts to shift the conversation off of his own malfeasance. They’ll invariably help to enable that shit. They almost always do, which will have the effect of lessening the Mueller testimony and its impact. Maggie Haberman will have an exclusive on trump’s reaction from some inside unnamed source connected to some higher up in the WH, and then that’s all they’ll want to talk about thereafter.

Its a real sad fact that they allow themselves to engage in routinely, knowing this is what he does on a habitual basis to own the news cycle, but they give him presidential deference all the same, no matter the cost to the American electorate and the body politic. Its unhealthy to say the least and not really what I thought journalism was all about. Talking truth to power used to be knowing when to shut off the propaganda and the bluster and report what actual facts the American people need to know about their government. I give it a day after Mueller testifies for the press to find some way to put up a trump tweet up that consumes the news cycle so we’re all arguing about what trump said rather than what Mueller testified to.

Let’s face it…in the end the response by the media will be the same as it is now. What are the Dems gonna do nowwwwwww!!! Where are they with this??? What about Pelosi??? Its always the fallback position. You won’t hear a peep about “what are the republicans gonna do with this new information they’ve been denying and willfully ignorant about?” or “which Rs haven’t read the report in the first place?”

As you can tell, I’m not getting my hopes up, but I do look forward to the testimony and regardless of how we got here, I’m glad its happening, finally.


I have been “getting my hopes up” for 2.5 years of Trump. You are an important poster on this site. When your hopes are up others are too.

I do not do well with people who revel in squashing them


This is somewhat akin to asking a leopard not to have spots, but yeah, I agree.


And what did the so-called president have to say when it was announced that Mueller would testify publicly?

Ahh yes. Wise words indeed.


I’d also like to hear him answer why disBarr killed seven investigations willy-nilly. Who is the president’s attorney protecting?


Looks like he could start with learning English and take if from there.


Now, now, Jerry. Let’s not pre-judge what Mueller’s going to say. Let’s keep an open mind about what conclusions your committee might draw. After all, we need to give the president and his aides the benefit of the doubt.

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Will Barr make a statement before Mueller’s testimony explaining what that testimony will say and mean? With conclusions, of course.


The Mueller report is pretty much dead. And Mueller will say nothing new about Russian collusion or obstruction that will raise it from the dead. This is like the Lazarus story, only Lazarus stays dead. However:—

If Mueller is asked in detail about the ongoing threat from Russia, including the ongoing possibility of further links, his testimony could lay the platform for by far the most politically potent and accessible basis for impeachment: the willful failure to protect the country from 2020 attacks. The future, not the past, should be the strategic focus of the questioning. Bonus feature: Mueller would have to answer those questions.

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Profound impact on who?

The Media?
The media is all in for Trump 2020. He is easy to cover and they literally make money retweeting him.

So not them.

Independents/ Undecided Voters
I haven’t seen such people actually exist.

Surely it will have an impact… for the narrow window that is his attention span…

Just kidding…

The Speaker?
IMO she is the Audience of One this testimony should be aimed at.

I am not holding my breath. It will be the real nothing burger. I hope I am wrong for the good of the country.

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A growing number bodies at the border, continued family separation, concentration camps, and a new allegation of rape (oh sorry, “sexual assault”) along with a moribund society prove there is no “good of the country” to worry about.

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Though I can’t fake what I don’t feel. Sometimes I need that encouragement to keep a stiff upper lip too, so I get the sentiment. Look to others stronger than me, emiliano. I’ve never been a very good cheerleader, even when I’ve tried.


Don’t change a thing.


And be prepared to hold Mueller in contempt for not answering their questions, because he will do anything in his power to avoid providing anything approaching definitive statements on anything.

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Nadler Says Mueller’s Public Hearing Will Have A ‘Profound Impact’

Yep. Jerry Nadler is a clairvoyant.


The Eeyore crowd here is getting increasingly boring, and not a little bit stupid.

There’s more doom and gloom than we should reasonably put up with.

Please stop responding to deliberate trolling by the Purity Police and the Never Mueller crowd.