Discussion: Nadler: DOJ Told Me They 'Will Not Comply' With Subpoena For Mueller Report

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Almost like it has exonerating, I mean, incriminating information.


another one for the supremely corrupt court. will the fascist five go on record with constitution crushing jurisprudence? hey roberts, about that legacy…


“I will continue to work with the attorney general to reach a reasonable accommodation on access to the full report and the underlying evidence, but not for much longer. Compliance with congressional subpoenas is not optional, and if good faith negotiations don’t result in a pledge of compliance in the next day or two, the next step is seeking a contempt citation against the attorney general.”


Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

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Can we get the Canadian Supreme Court to take over this mess?

They would rule firmly, but nicely, against all of Trump’s tricks…


He continued: “I will continue to work with the attorney general to reach a reasonable accommodation on access to the full report and the underlying evidence, but not for much longer. Compliance with congressional subpoenas is not optional, and if good faith negotiations don’t result in a pledge of compliance in the next day or two, the next step is seeking a contempt citation against the attorney general.”

I wonder why Nadler doesn’t understand what “Will not comply” means?

There is no “reasonable accommodation on access.” Nothing will change “in the next day or two.” There is no such thing as “good faith negotiations” with these criminals.

More slow-walking from Nadler.


Nadler has to go - He is another Neville Chamberlain.


Trump and Barr would actually love it if the Democratic Congress were to arrest Barr, because they have long had their narrative of a Democratic ‘coup’ up and running. Democrats, in anticipation of the inevitable showdown–and to hell with those who think a showdown can somehow be avoided with a criminal White House–must talk right now about a “constitutional crisis”. How could a plainly lawless AG batting for a lawless president in defiance of the House not represent a constitutional crisis? What is the possible downside to calling this thing as it is? What choice is there?



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I can’t be sure, and I might be wrong, but to go out on a limb, I’d have to say that Hillary’s contention of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” is gaining credibility.



careering down the slippery slope that will make the Constitution worth less than the parchment that it is written on

again, for me the most frustrating part of this will be the recovery (if the nation should be so fortunate) wherein repubes will demand behavior consistent with a position such as President, when said President is not a republican, they’re gonna want to return to long held norms when it suits them, and all I will want to say is FUCK OFF

I predict hypocrisy to end all hypocrisy, the MOAH if you will


The really curious thing to me is why this fight. They let Mueller finish. Then why not, without comment, just throw the whole mess into Congress’ lap where it would slowly sink into a morass of hearings and public boredom?
Now what we have is the fight of century. What’s wrong with these people?

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Not to mention “basket of deplorables.” We just had no idea she meant there would be a basket like that in the administration too. Trump brought his basket of deplorables with him into the White House.


Try harder not to make yourself a laughingstock.


Unfortunately at some point the Dems will have to make a choice to either fold and slink away ( I sure hope not) or come down hard (fines, arrests, etc). We are coming close to that point very quickly. I want them to fight, and go at those rat bastards hard, but this has to be done with both strength and strategy. The large majority of Americans have the Dems back. I wish it never had to come to this, but here we are. I would rather fight than fold


They seriously have to drop the civility pose and go for the jugular already. They’re clearly not dealing with good faith adversaries interested in being fair and reasonable and they know it, so why the pretense? It’s not 1885 and this isn’t a gentleman’s club dealing with a minor internal scandal. This is the future of what’s left of our constitutional democracy and we can’t be doing this high school debating society crap.

Enough already Dems. Hit the fuck back and go for the kill!


Slam him as hard as you can, Jerry. There’s no doubt to give him the benefit of at this point. Here’s how to see the situation:

“made himself available to the Committee by volunteering to testify this week.”

And now that he’s withdrawn that voluntary participation Ms. Kopeks?

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Some days it’s hard to tell which of the trolls is best. The competition is strong.