Discussion: N.D. Lawmaker Claims He Was Outed After Voting Against Gay Rights Bill

Discussion for article #235806

Sorry Randy, but no such thing as getting a “little bit” pregnant. Never understood these closeted Republicans joining a party that truly hates them.

edit: This is not to say that I agree with whomever outed him.


“The 1,000-pound gorilla has been lifted,” he said. “I have to confront it at some point.”

Actually, you’ll have to confront it now.


I don’t understand this either. Does he really feel he should have less rights or is he worried about politics in ND?


Poor self-loathing, pathetic “victim” Randy! Time for you to exit that GOP “Big Tent” and head for the “Log Cabin” where all the outcast and sad conservative and bagger gay men who are posers, who are abused, used and discarded by the Republicans are forced to go. From there, like many abused children, you can continue to beg them to love you…oh, as you continue to promise them your vote.
OH…and be sure to go by your GOP mascot for your well-earned reward:


I dunno. If a person votes against choice, but has or has their partner get an abortion*, or a person is against giving money to the poor, but accepts government largesse (Chuck Grassly), or a person votes for war, but is a chicken hawk (too numerous to mention), I think you call 'em out on it. Why is this different?

*Edit: Rep. Scott DesJarlis comes to mind…


Whiner. Part of life is accepting consequences of your actions. Or should I say it is time for you to man up and accept the consequences of you actions.

Either way…


He outed himself by using a gay chat site and sending pics.


Mainly because I believe that a person’s sexuality is a deeply personal thing and the decision to tell others about one’s sexuality should be left up to the person not someone extorting or trying to exact revenge on them.


Exactly. I’m not seeing any explanation of why he voted against the bill. I suppose, however, that he could say that he was simply reflecting the will of his constituents. Tough call in a representative democracy - do you do what your voters want you to do, or do you do what’s right?


Fair enough. It may be a case where this guy was subconsciously wanting people to know, but I still don’t agree with it being used as extortion.

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Wait…“Top Man!”? Was he one of the dudes to whom they supposedly handed over the Ark of the Covenant?


Update! Update!
This is what the Republican leader of the N.D. House said about Boehning:
"This is news to most of us, and what Randy does in his private life is his own business and he’s a good legislator."

You hypocritical motherfucker. Your fucking political party does whatever it can to break the backs of gay people in this country and around the world, and you have the FUCKING GALL to state that what someone does in their private life is their OWN FUCKING BUSINESS?!!
Come down to where I am in Tennessee, you cowardly hypocritical motherfucker, because I want to kick your clueless ass. And CNN can send Don Lemon to cover it on national television - unless he gets swept up by the black hole that swallowed that Malaysian airliner.


Oh, and Mr. Boehning (Randy Boehning!! You cannot make this shit up!) - it’s an 800 POUND GORILLA, you brainless jagoff.


“Lawmaker Says He Was Outed As Being Gay As Revenge For Voting Against Bill”


I mean, aren’t you one of the guys who love to claim Gays don’t need any special protections?


It’s sad that, well into the 21st century, the revelation that someone is gay is still viewed by many as a horrible, destructive thing.


Glad he was outed. It shows the hypocrisy. Although most of the GOP base has no idea what that means, let alone know how to spell it.


The person who reported the hypocrisy was not blackmailing or out for revenge; just exposing hypocrisy. There is supposedly somebody else who was using the info as leverage, but we don’t know that’s true. And while I agree with you on the personal part, he made it public by being a politician who takes tax dollars & uses his power to help deny rights to others.


I disagree. If a closeted politician bends over backwards to demonize fellow gay people, then he, every member of his family, and every one of his friends should be outed. He doesn’t GET respect because he doesn’t DESERVE respect. And the people who enable him do not deserve having their privacy respected either.


He followed the Party line for personal gain while denying what he is. He got caught and now he is all moral and relieved. It’s about as phony as one can be. Another self loathing jerk. At what point does a person just be themselves. He has been a coward that has been caught. People do not choose their orientatiion. It is people like him that set back equality and respect for all.