Discussion for article #232109
“We’re brothers. It’s not a question of Jews, Christians or Muslims,” Bathily told a French news channel. “We’re all in the same boat, and we have to help one another to get out of this crisis.”
May his words resonate around the world.
But look at the “tone of his skin”. According to Fox News we must look to the tone of one’s skin to determine their worth or their truthiness or even worthiness
Good for France.
Or, if in an American city whether to hold fire and shout 'Stop" or just starting spraying hot lead.
Perhaps there is hope for our world after all
Vive la France! Je Suis Charlie! Je Suis Ahmet! Je suis un Americain!
LOOk. THis IS hoW the TERRorists Infiltrate: They COMMIt acts of “bravery” and then are granted citizenship. How DO we EVEn know THAt he wasn’t WORKing with the TERRorists in order to get CITIzenship to becOME another terrorist?
Okay, now I get it. I see what you did there.
Not quite until we eliminate stereotypes just like FOX judging based on the color of your skin.
“Why, oh, why won’t the Muslims speak out against Islamist terrorism?”
Well, actions speak louder than words, and how many who ask this question have actually done anything at all about terrorism. This Muslim risked his life.
That’s a Louie Gohmert special. Except Louie wouldn’t have spelled all the words correctly.
Je suis americain…
I hope things go well for him.
Which leads to the question - of the Muslim immigrants to France, how many have citizenship vs. some other type of status vs. how many are there illegally? If many lack citizenship, does this contribute to problems of alienation from society, lack of job opportunities, etc. among the immigrant population? Obviously not a problem for this man, but maybe so for others - I just don’t have the facts. Nor do I think that the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks will spur many French citizens to push for easier access to citizenship - quite the contrary. And so it goes…