Discussion for article #225116
So, does complete evil confer near immortality on everyone, or just white conservatives?
He can probably salve his disappointment by marrying another 30something year old.
Yesterday, I suggested I was going to go to Dick Cheney’s gravesite someday and drive a wooden stake into the ground in the general vicinity of what would be his heart.
Murdoch is now #2 on my list for the same treatment…
Murdoch is the biggest threat to America. Let’s not forget it was Darth Vader(Cheney) who fast tracked Murdoch’s citizenship.
I often wonder whether Cheney’s family will pay people to guard his grave 24/7 against the huge number of people who have put dancing/spitting/peeing/othering on it onto their own bucket lists, or whether they’ll do the right Free Market thing and sell tickets.
And if they do pay people to guard it, quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
When Rupie tried to take over BSkyB in the UK, a Parliamentary Committee found him “unfit” to own the channels. Perhaps the FCC should ask for copies of that Committee Report.
Knowing how cheap the Cheneys are, they probably signed up with the Neptune Society to dump THE DICK’s ashes into the sea.
Screwpert Murdoch runs 21St Century Fox?
It’s more like he runs 19th Century Fox!
“Murdoch is the biggest threat to America.”
…you mean The Whole Earth.
Actually, I’m predicting something of over-the-top grandiosity, something on the scale of Grant’s tomb, except dripping with crassly militaristic and nationalistic statues and murals and some central esthetic feature intended to be deliberately and crudely offensive to liberals, specifically. Maybe some entablature with his most famous and profound quotes carved onto costly polished marble, like “Go fuck yourself!” and “mushroom cloud!”
All, somehow, funded by the taxpayers, of course.
I have a reminder in my date book for this. I’m not worried about the guards though, they will surely be onboard with the free market approach I’ll take - yes a bribe.
Now there’s one immigrant that shouldn’t have been allowed citizenship. All he’s done with that honor is turn it into citizen-shit.
He’ll be buried in an undisclosed secure location.
No, the final in a huge string of insults to this nation will be when his people and cronies insist he be buried with honors at Arlington.
If, as I suspect, the scumbag ends up at Arlington, I just couldn’t bring myself to dishonor the place (any more than his eternal presence will, that is).
That’s the only way he’ll be spared from the final “public opinions” being demonstrated upon him.
like we dont pollute the ocean enough…
Nothing too extravagant…
I think you’re right. But not just at Arlington, no, a huge tasteless tomb at Arlington that uses vast amounts of the rapidly diminishing grave space, displacing dozens of veterans who’d asked to be buried there, but with the actual corpse buried in that “secure undisclosed location” to keep it safe from the urine of terrorist sympathizers.
Like the modern media isn’t terrible enough. We have to get the twisted right-wing spin applied to the already twisted sensationalist spin. Conservatism in our airwaves is an actual real threat and at least twice as bad as fluoride in our water : )
The bubble-headed bleach blonde comes on at five, she can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye. (The Eagles-Dirty Laundry)