Subpoena all of these f_ckers!
Don’t trigger the snowflake or his head will explode, his pearls clutched in his tiny fist as he falls on his fainting couch and breaks it.
But yeah there is no coordination with the Russians… they just let the door open
Yet another fake “resistance” in the WH.
Yeah, our elections, internet, power grids or water supplies…what next airspace computer systems? Banking? Don’t want Hair Furor getting angry!
And according to people like Lindsey Graham, everything is going along just fine.
Media needs to stop covering (asking Trump) “Do you agree/admit Russia interfeared in the 2016 election?” and start asking the admin - and senators on the appropriate committees: what this points to:
What steps have been taken to prevent further interference.
What steps have been taken to prevent preventative steps for further interference.
And if not slated this needs to be pursued by the House - along with the inquiry on National Security Clearance (the giving clearance) breaches.
Why it’s almost like the Trump team thinks that they can’t win without Russian interference…
And Republicans are the party that so fucking worried about the integrity of our elections…
They won’t lift a finger to address an actual and proven threat.
Hey GOP. I’ll lift you a finger.
Another win for Vlad.
Ix-nay on the eddling-may in front of the oddler-tay.
Just like Republicans want.
So…at the cabinet level, the president needs to be kept in a safe space? No intelligence reports. No addressing of ongoing threats. Just fox on the tv kissing his ass 24/7.
In GOP-speak, integrity means Republicans win, by any means necessary.
That’s not an entirely fair, or complete, description of Fox News - sometimes they suck Trump’s dick too.
“…leaving the cybersecurity unit gutted and Americans completely uninformed about Russia’s ongoing efforts to sway political opinion.”
<img src="/uploads/default/original/4X/d/0/8/d08c7494a3fa9e224e279c904e5e1e9eb47df7e3.png" width="259" height="194">
and where the hell has she been since she was booted? why isn’t she out there on every talk show and appearing at conferences warning about the grave threat to the next election and rallying the country to fight back.
oh wait… i’m sure she’s too busy writing her book.
i’m beyond disgusted by each and every one of these assholes who slink off to their next moneyed job while the country is destroyed from within.
Sure … but it’s too soon talk about impeachment. smh