Discussion: Mulvaney: 'Put Up Or Shut Up' On Pelosi, Trade Ryan For McCarthy

“…the two men had never had any such conversations.”

I like the fact that a spokesperson for Kevin McCarthy essentially called Mulvaney a liar…

So speaketh Eeyore!

The reason he is sticking around, is because the House GOP doesn’t want to have the albatross of voting in a new Speaker, weeks ahead of the general election hanging around their collective necks.

That’s the real stupidity of Mulvaney’s “idea”. Pelosi wouldn’t be elected Speaker, it would be a republican. And it would quickly turn into a civil war between McCarthy and Scalise, with both sides airing their dirty laundry right before a General election.

The fact that he is “privately” having these discussions with McCarthy (and then telling the world anyway…so much for private talks), speaks volumes to why House members don’t want him as Speaker. McCarthy is too stupid for even his own party.

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It all depends on how you define victory. I’m convinced, and all of the evidence so far suggests, that winning for Democrats isn’t getting the most votes for their candidates in elections. It’s raising a billion dollars from us rubes and funneling it to their friends in the DC Consultancy Class Beast. Look at the multitude of stories about candidates’ first interactions with the DCCC and, to a person, it was being asked, “How much money can you raise?” Not, “What are your beliefs?” or, “What are your policy ideas?” It was all about the Benjamins. This was followed by a contract that stipulates that the candidate has to spend 75% of the money he or she raises on a committee-approved list of communications vendors. Some people just won’t believe me. Others will rationalize it away by claiming that you have to spend more money in order to win. But consider the example of Angie Craig in MN-02. She lost to Jason Freaking Lewis, a shit stain, Mini-Trump, former CONservative shock jock with a thoroughly-recorded history of douchebaggery, who Party insiders and outgoing Rep John Kline thought was the worst possible candidate in a presidential election year for an open seat in a district that has been trending blue for years. Her campaign mirrored the Clinton campaign, in that it focused on how horrible-awful Lewis was while remaining opaque and wishy-washy on the issues that mattered most to district residents. Craig raised and spent $4 million to Lewis’s $1 million, and had a million-dollar advantage in outside spending, and still underperformed EVERY SINGLE Democratic candidate on the ballot, even the candidates for the local state House seats in the district. But the DCCC deemed her candidacy so successful that they brought her back for 2018, and attempted to freeze out every other candidate, with one daring to continuing on to challenger her at the District endorsing convention, and who, in my opinion, far better represented the district. Oh, and he had been a lifelong Democrat instead of the proto-Republican’t former head of a corporate PAC that went all-in for Mitt Rmoney in 2012. Watch for her to raise and spend even more money this election cycle while losing by an even larger margin, and then watch as the DCCC brings back her “successful candidacy” once again in 2020…


It sucks that Clinton and Pelosi did not get all they deserved for working as hard as they did/do, but can’t help but wonder if Pelosi’s time is over?

You seem, like many Dems, to be of the opinion that the candidate is what counts in an election.


What counts is Party of the candidate, and the general affiliation of the district. This is a Republican district. For a Dem to win, they must 1) get all the Dems and 2) get some republicans

While your naivite about elections is cute, you seem to think that bile covers ignorance. It doesn’t. Learn something about party politics. This district has been R for the last 20 cycles. Since 1885, the R candidate has won this district 85% of the time. For it to switch to D, something extraordinary must occur. Nothing did in 2016. In 2012, Obama beat Romney in this district by .1 percent - that is an R district.

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Plus the six figure lobbying gig he will get, on behalf of Ayn Rand type of agendas.

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Maybe Jared or even 45 should be installed as Speaker.

That’ll cut out the middleman.

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Hey, babe, I have lived in this district for most of my life. The parts of the current district that lie within the southeastern metro area used to be part of MN-06. After the 2000 census they were combined with the southeastern exurbs of the old MN-01. It was solidly Democratic-controlled until then, with John Kline finally winning after three attempts against Democrat Bill Luther, thanks to the new district lines. It wasn’t until 2012 that my Party nominated a pretty solid Democratic progressive to challenge Kline, and he did as well as mushy Angie Craig while only spending $750,000.

We need a Tweeter of the House, who is STRONG on the BORDER and IRAN and FAKE NEWS and WITCHHUNTS!!!