Discussion: Mueller Team Unveils Its Exhibit List For Paul Manafort's Upcoming Trial

Note that Bernie Sanders’ chief strategist Tad Devine worked with Manafort for years on behalf of Yanukovich, the pro-Russian PM of the Ukraine. When they parted Devine approached Sanders to get him to run, and became his chief strategist.

So: Bernie–Russian stooge or dupe? You decide.


Bernie 2020 died on July 19, 2018 :laughing:

Bernie Sanders’ campaign strategist Tad Devine turns up 16 times in evidence against Paul Manafort

19 Jul 2018 at 13:46 ET


Powerpoint is a display tool that is stronger in text creation than graphics. For something as complicated as this chart, Powerpoint is hopeless. However you take the graphing output of some other program (mabe Visio), then import into PPT to make a mind-numbing incomprehensible visual, then print them in unreadable 2x3 inch paper handouts. That’s how PPT gets it’s name.


you probably can’t read the text, but what this slide shows is…


And yet why is it a lot of people seemed to hate the one person that had no ties to the Russians the most?

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Stein was at the infamous RT anniversary party (as was Mike Flynn); Stein has refused to divulge who paid for her trip. (Per Colbert, Jill Stein’s mouth is another Putin cockholster.) Oh, I think we will have third party, but Stein (if she runs) won’t get many votes this time. Think of Ralph Nader’s vote count in '00 - and then in '04.


And now I’m recalling that during the campaign, Trump regularly joined in the chorus of those shouting that “Bernie was robbed.” Of course, the immediate context was the casting of doubt over the legitimacy of Hillary’s nomination, but still . . .


O: hell I heard Anthony Scaramuchi on Bill Maher go off on how the only two people in the whole United States who get it are Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

Yes because they are both Populists. And there is only one kind of Populism.

and right at the moment, it’s busy wrecking the EU and America.


LOL. 436 exhibits? Good thing the label stickers don’t have to be licked to make them sticky.


After the week trump has had he might be less inclined to pass out pardons that could reflect on the Russia probe.


I don’t think that’s how his mind works (to the extent “works” is an applicable word, as it is clearly broken). I would expect that the compulsion to assert himself, his power and his dominance and exact some form of reactionary vengeance by doubling down in some fashion is eating him up inside like cancer on fire. For him, refusal to believe him and go along with his attempts to con you is an unforgivable sin against his very person.



He might want to but we saw him go back on something he said at the Summit and he didn’t want to so I take that to mean they still can get through to him when it’s life or death. So no pardons because they (the people in the WH) would tie him to a chair first.


But then, again, it just came out that he has another meeting with Putin planned for the Fall! Sniffit could be right.

I recomend caviar and vodka. Seems more appropriate to the Manafort pre-prison lifestyle.

I wonder if his prison garb is Egyptian cotton or silk, and if he has access to a hair colorist and masseuse?

And during the campaign there was stuff like this, recall:

Last week a survey from Washington-based Mercury Analytics surfaced with a most curious finding: Roughly 20 percent of Democrats said they would defect from their party to vote for Donald Trump, with a surprising number of them declaring with 100 percent certainty they would be comfortable doing so. A smaller chunk of Republicans (14 percent) said they would switch to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Juuuuust enough crossover votes to throw the election to Trump. And Josh alluded in a post to Friday’s indictment showing the Russians going after the DNC’s voter analytics . . .


Yeah there was a lot of it.

Not to mention that a whole lot of the anti-Hillary shit was identical.


and Reeses’ Peanut Butter Cups?


Woah, woah, woah - let’s not go crazy here. Next thing yo know you’ll be threatening my Butterfingers collection. Now, if she’s convicted, we can talk…


I suspect that it takes a lot of work and that the game for “getting through to him” is solely a matter of convincing him of which option is not just better in terms of his own self-interest, but more “profitable.”

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