This thread is making me itch uncontrollably. Stop it, you maniacs! It’s really a doggy dog world out here.
“Mueller will be taxed like never before!”
What concerns me here is that our Maniac-in-Chief will probably see this as the right moment for the firing, because it will shut everything down before the conspiracy is uncovered.
Garden variety copy editing errors. Mueller simply looked at all the fax and said “Weed 'em and reap.”
Meh…no country left to save. Too too long Mueller. Waaaah waaaah waaaaaaaaaah
Report? Probably not. Not for the public anyhow. Indictments, though…there’s no DOJ policy against indicting near an election is there?
Given that there are key people Mueller has not yet interviewed, including Trump and his offspring, and given further that Manafort has yet to flip and the Cohen and Prince materials have yet to be investigated, I can’t see how this won’t take at least another six months. I’m fairly sure that Mueller’s preference would be to not have this thing blow up before the midterms too—and I don’t doubt that he recognizes that a Democratic House would be a much more trustworthy custodian of his work. So this story strikes me as bullshit.
Tact= discretion. Tack= a change of direction under sail.
Or, alternately, this could just be like one of those New Yorker cartoons that are so droll I don’t get them.
This thread bearly illicits a response, but I’m just biting my time for a more impotent article.