Discussion: MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Rips Obama For 'Crusade' Remarks

Discussion for article #233019

I am not surprised in Andrea Mitchell. She is always critical of anything President Obama does. I think that she has lost all credibility as a journalist with her bias dislike of President Obama.


Hey, Andrea. You don’t have to go back to 1093. How about the 60’s for a video of a hanging and burning of a black man? How did that escape your notice?

For a person with their own “news” show, she certainly is ignorant.


Meet the press? lol. BTW the KKK STILL uses a CROSS as it’s symbol.


“You don’t use the word ‘crusade,’ number one, in any context right now,” the host of “Andrew Mitchell Reports” said. “It’s too fraught.”

How then, would you describe the Crusades? “That thingy where certain people went out and slaughtered others who didn’t buy in to their view of religion”?


Yes Andrea, a Christian Prayer breakfast is no place to discuss theology and religion…


Oh god… Yet another outraged Christian who doesn’t like it when anyone mentions their dirty global mass murdering past.

Tell me Andrea. How many countries have Christians destroyed? How many religions? How many have died throughout the centuries in the name of YOUR god?

Grow up, Andrea. It is what it is. You can’t change the fact that your religions has the blood of countless millions on your its hands. You’re being called out as a hypocrite for blaming an entire culture and religion for the sins of what amounts to a small sliver of that population. You’re condemning Billions of Muslims for the actions of the very few crazy zealots among them, a tiny tiny fraction of their population, which lets face it all cultures/religions have had and will always have.

Don’t like it? Then don’t act like a bigoted troglodyte towards the entire Muslim community whenever a small faction of radicalized zealot crazy mofos commit atrocities, you freaking tool.


Mrs Greenspan (R-Crappy Journalist) has always been a corporate shill and republican apologist. She needs to STFU


she’s been a right-wing tool since the Reagan years. One more reason to boycott NBC.


A good-natured back and forth between high spirited religious enthusiasts that occasionally got out of hand. No harm, no foul.


Second that –

“If you’re giving a major speech about theology, perhaps. But this is the prayer breakfast,” Mitchell added.

Huh? Perhaps we should save the religious comments for the Senate’s Climate Committee? Or for a discussion of Gay Marriage? C’mon, Andrea.


When did she have that credibility to start with? She’s never been able to form a complete sentence without stopping a dozen times. Alan, her husband, must have told her what to say!!
Don’t forget she loved GWB!!


Yea you’re at a prayer breakfast for god’s sake, don’t bring up any current concerns and compare them to something in history that was similar. Wonder if it’s OK if he brings up any of that even older stuff in the Bible about Jesus?


He spoiled the magic of the moment

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“You don’t use the word ‘crusade,’ number one, in any context right now,” the host of “Andrew Mitchell Reports” said. “It’s too fraught.”

No, Andrea, YOU are too fraught.

She’s afraid to speak the simplest truth because she is desperately defending something that needs no defense.

This is akin to Muslims thinking they have to protect Mohammed from disrespect, when it isn’t the prophets or God who gets offended, it is their followers.

This kind of religious isolationism is what creates crusades and jihads and ghettos.


Mitchell didn’t “rip” Obama, she said it was a “mistake”. I happen to disagree with her, but my goodness, people can have different opinions. According to some here, any difference of opinion is a grave crisis. Come on, people, lighten up. Of all the tempests in teapots, this one couldn’t even make a ripple in my cup of Earl Grey.

PS: The real issue is why Presidents go to a “prayer breakfast”. What about separation of church and state? And what is with praying at breakfast, anyway? That in itself ought to be illegal-breakfast should be eaten in silence at least until after the third cup of coffee.


“Yet another outraged Christian…”
She’s Jewish. Not that it matters.


Wow! Mitchell missed the point of the speech entirely. MSNBC and NBC is imploding before our eyes.


Prayer isn’t just a Christian thng, all religions use some form of it and even athiests meditate.

A “Christian prayer breakfast” or “Muslim prayer breakfast” that excluded other religions or non-believers might fit your complaint, but prayer is not just Christians praying through Jesus or Muslims through Mohamed, it has many more aspects than individual religions.


Sorry…I have an impossibly difficult time even listening to Andrea Mitchell, not simply for the content (or lack thereof) of anything she says but because she simply cannot finish one simple damned sentence without stammering and stuttering through it so badly she makes my ears bleed.